Day #21 - Thankful for good health and renewed fitness this last - TopicsExpress


Day #21 - Thankful for good health and renewed fitness this last year. Its hard to find time to exercise and for years this was something I neglected - my exercise was incidental to yard work or fishing, not something to which I gave much thought or time as an activity on its own. The summer before last, with Lanes encouragement, I started making a point to go to the AK Club gym with Graham. It was a fitful start: Id try to get over to the UAA dorms early in the morning, before work. The first couple times Graham could be waken up via phone call, but when the novelty of the idea wore off in the second week, he could not be roused and Id end up going alone. Then, I could do about 10 minutes on an exercise bike before I got winded. One day I did 30 minutes on the exercise machines and I was sore for an entire week after. Our progress through the fall of 2012 was sporadic, with a long period in October and November, after Lanes death, where we barely managed to go once every week. By December, when Graham was back living at home, no longer living in the dorms, it was easier to coordinate a trip to the gym. By January 13 we were going a regular 3 times a week. By the end of May I had lost 30 pounds from my post Christmas cookie high-water mark. All in all, thankful that I have more energy, enthusiasm and stamina for physical activity than I have in ages. Far fewer aches and pains. Thankful that allowed Graham and I to complete our 125 mile bike ride from Anchorage to Seward, with other bike adventures over the summer, and Maxs and my several hikes up Flattop plus hiking in CA this summer. Thankful for second chance at a blessing I had long neglected.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 00:10:39 +0000

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