Day 22: Gonna get in trouble with the fitness peeps on my page but - TopicsExpress


Day 22: Gonna get in trouble with the fitness peeps on my page but I love Diet Mountain Dew. Yup-Im an addict. I love the flavor and I love the caffeine. Whats funny is the first 2 times I drank it I thought it was the worst tasing stuff ever made. But Im a fan now and Im thankful for their product! Day 21: Never bring a knife to a gun fight! Im thankful for the right to protect myself. It doesnt mean Im going to carry a 9mm everywhere I go or that Im going to worship the NRA. Im just thankful for the RIGHT to decide to defend myself and my family. Day 20: Cry about it if you want to but Im thankful for vaccinations. Because of the years of research and fighting disease we can avoid serious illness like the mumps, whooping cough and so much more because of vaccines. They hurt-but theyre awesome! Day 19: You can say what you want about our justice system but Im thankful for it. Its not perfect-I get it. The system is only as good as the people running it. But because of the laws and procedures put in place you can say, above many other countries around the world, that we get a fairer shake and have many more chances to prove our innocence and punish the guilty with our system of justice. Day 18: Make whatever jokes you want about me Im thankful for Star Trek. From The Next Generation to Voyager and Deep Space 9 I love what Star Trek offers: a fantasy world of what could be. Patrick Stewart wins the best captain award and Brent Spiner wins the best actor award. TNG is my favorite followed by Voyager and then DS9. Sorry-but deal with it! :-D Day 17: Gonna include my hearing in my list as well. Because my eyes arent the best my hearing has stepped up and helped compensate. Ive been blessed with above average hearing from the faucet thats just barely running to hearing that singers 1/4 step off pitch singing I can hear very well. That doesnt necessarily mean I listen all the time...just that I can hear so much. Day 16: Never forget how important sight is. While my vision may suck Im still thankful for the ability to see. With glasses or contacts I can still enjoy the wonders of life around me. The beautiful sunrise, the smile on my childs face, the beautiful brown eyes of my wife...all that is possible with my eyes and Im thankful for it. Day 15: You can move miles away from them, you can never call them but when you finally see them its like youve never left them. Im thankful for my extended family. All my uncles and aunts in TX and MN and for all my cousins around the country-yall are awesome! The second and third cousins and great aunts and uncles-yall rock, too! Day 14: Desert your goals in life and youre only hurting yourself. Im thankful for my growing will power. Its something Ive lacked for many years and slowly (AND I MEAN SLOWLY) but surely its getting stronger. Its not perfect but Im thankful Ive learned how to talk myself out of giving in to temptation with food and skipping exercises. Day 13: And dont let me forget about my brother! Michael has been an awesome bro to me throughout the years. We may have split directions many years ago but we still have so much in common and are always there for each other. Love ya, Bro! Day 12: Around the world technology is everywhere. You see computers and phones doing calculations and work in a single second that took humans days to calculate before. Im thankful to be living in a time where technology is exploding and where we are the beneficiary of such rapid changes that are all working to improve our lives. Day 11: Run away from it if you want but Im thankful for cold weather. I love cold weather. It reminds me so much of what I truly consider home-Minnesotta. I have such great memories of up north and all the fun times we had up there as kids and the awesome times Ive had with my kids and family up there recently. I cant wait to get back up there and see every one again! Day 10: Gonna bring it down to the simple stuff for a second. Im thankful for electricity. Especially late at night when Im stumbling around the house in my sleep I think back to when we had to use candles and fire to see. We take something so simple, yet complex, as electricity for granted. Im thankful to be living in a time where a simple flip of a switch illuminates an entire house. Day 9: Never let anyone tell you that you live in a country that is horrible and evil. We live in a country that is the envy of millions because of the vast freedoms we have. But also dont take that for granted. We have many in the highest levels of leadership that would tear the foundation of this coutry apart to re-shape it into something it was never intended to be. Never forget the sacrifices made by those brave men and families to found our country and defy an overbearing, overreaching government. Im thankful to be alive and a citizen in the best country in the world-the United States of America. Day 8: Down the road of life you meet many different people, some good and some bad. You create relationships with many of them, some good and some bad. But there are a few that are with you from the first day you meet to today. Even if that person is a thousand miles away or your nextdoor neighbor, theyre there and that bond of friendship is strong. And just because theyre your best friend doesnt mean theyre always on your good side 100% of the time. It means that you have found someone you can relate to, share an inside joke with, have CRAZY moments and live through them to exaggerate stories about later and trust that theyll always be there for you. Im thankful for those friends in my life who have been through thick and thin (figuratively and literally) with me. David, you know youre on the top of that list. And of course my best friend and wife Jessica is up there at the top, too. Day 7: Gonna Let You in on a little secret: Im addicted to Zumba! Big shocker, right? Im thankful to have found such a great format that has transformed my life and lifestyle. There are so many fitness trends out there and so many directions for everyone to go that its overwhelming. But Zumba allows all levels to participate. From the uncoordinated to the professional dancer-we can all party the same! I love Zumba and Im a fan for life! Thank you to my awesome wife for introducing me to the class and to Scott for being my mentor along the way! Day 6: Never before have I been so lucky than to have such a great job. After over 5 years with DOYLES and now AXON Ive yet to have ONE DAY where I said Man, I dont want to go to work today because I hated my job. Ive had MANY of those days with T-Mobile, APAC, Fox Nursery, Coca-Cola, Sun Suites, etc and I work harder now than I did ay any of those jobs. But I get to challenge my mind and my analytical skills daily and its the best job Ive ever had! Day 5: Up on the top of my list are my 4 children. Every day when I drive away for work I realize how much I miss them and how much I want to see them grow. I enjoy acting silly for them just to get a laugh out of them. I love being able to teach them and love learning from them. I absolutely love my babies! Day 4: You all know the story of my best friend and wife Jessica so it should be no surprise that Im thankful for all the years shes been my friend and now my wife and mother to my children. Day 3: Give me a moment as I share the story of my grandmother. Kay Murphy was one of the best people I ever knew and she was taken away too soon. Im thankful for all of the fond memories and for all the kindness she taught me as a child and all the spoiling she did on me and my brother. Day 2: Gonna be a challenge to list something every day but I love challenges and it helps me realize what I have. Im thankful for my mother and father who raised me with all of the love they had and took such great care of me and my brother. Day 1: Never before have I done this so this is going to be interesting. Im thankful to be alive and well with many years ahead of me.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:42:10 +0000

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