Day 3 of my 5 day positivity challenge. 1. I am very blessed - TopicsExpress


Day 3 of my 5 day positivity challenge. 1. I am very blessed with the opportunity to travel each year in February for work. Yes, I know I already spoke about work but this is even better…since we introduced the Rewards Program I have travelled to Mexico 7 times, 2x Jamaica, and 2x Punta Cana. I spend up to 13 days in each location for work! Isn’t that awesome? 2. I’m grateful for my extended family: I married into a family that has always been supportive of me and the boys and although the marriage didn’t last I would not change a thing! I was blessed with an incredible mother in law, sista’s and brotha’s, nieces and nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews and I love them all! 3. I am grateful for our new home. It will be one year August 10th since Jeff and I blended our households into one…we’ve put our own stamp of personality on the yard, he has worked hard to create a little oasis and I’ve been busy adding a touch of creativity to it. I pledge to be grateful everyday. The next two people I will ask to join the positivity challenge are Allison Gillis and Jeanne Day . Remember the trips I told you about…well these two lovely ladies are a big part of them. Allison is the trip director extraordinaire, I dare anyone to defy her plans and requests, she gets what she wants because she’s so good at what she does...and on top of that she’s become a very special friend. Jeannie is a trusty side kick who moves a lighten speed…in fact I’m sure she’s on some sort of natural speed…that woman has E.N.E.R.G.Y. The rules say to invite two people…but everyone at Fraser & Hoyt is amazing I respect them all!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 02:06:16 +0000

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