Day 4 - Tuesday 7th October 2014 Amazing night of sleep. Exped - TopicsExpress


Day 4 - Tuesday 7th October 2014 Amazing night of sleep. Exped air bed rocks. Waking only momentarily to hear rampant stags at work on the hills either side of our valley. Up. Bacon & eggs. Decamp. Map check. Group photo. Onwards! Subtly meandering our way through highland cattle who are walking down the same road as us - in the same direction. Protective of their young and wary of three smelly men in noisy waterproofs approaching them from the rear (not like that you perverts) they kept giving us the look. Once wed circumnavigated a serious garrotting we made good with our legs along the lane. What followed was an uneventful number of hours walking - mostly following tree covered country lanes. Rain. Soaked by persistent rain. More rain - but morale high. A female farmer got out of her pick up on the road ahead and called out to us to stop / wait as we approached a gate. We obliged and watched her expertly direct two highly disciplined sheep dogs in collecting a stray sheep and ushering it through the gate towards us. Awesome skills. Its Mats wedding anniversary today. Sadly the only romance hell be experiencing will be the relentless kiss chase shenanigans that seem to be going on on every hill in the Scottish highlands. Trudge on. And on. Rain unrelenting. Feet sore but banter good. Tempted by a peddle driven two seater go-kart but of course passed on on foot. Thats right - Men of steel. Reached our end destination well ahead of schedule. Weve found our rhythm? Maybe - but dont get cocky John. Did you just refer to yourself in the third person? In the afternoon caught a lift from a local village to Kyle which was the nearest place to have Internet - so that i could get our account and pics out to you lovely people. (Have you donated yet?) justgiving/capewrathtrail2014 Nice view across to Skye. Saw a guy in Kyle who Im sure was either a) an escaped Rolf Harris or b) a man who really ought to consider changing his look. Bought and ate a lot of American Hard Gums. And that really was it. Long day tomorrow. Strathcarron or bust.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 20:39:49 +0000

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