Day 4 of Astrological New Year Series Understanding of Feeling - TopicsExpress


Day 4 of Astrological New Year Series Understanding of Feeling of Lack When you experience lack of something in your life look deep inside and ask yourself why it is not there? Whether it is lack of money, relationships, spirituality, love, care, or whatever it may be in your case it is not there for a reason. In reality the only lack you can ever experience is the lack of understanding that whatever it is you think you are missing on either not meant to be there in a first place and you wishes unrealistic or it is not there because you need to go through certain experiences and learn particular lessons in order to get what you want to be present in your life. As you become aware that whatever it is you want is achievable by you, you can take some time to think about the ways in which you can achieve what you want and plan out your steps. It may be that you need to change your residence, your job, undertake some studies or look for a business partner. When you see your position in the situation and your circumstances clearly you can see if your dreams are practical. When you are reasonable about what you want you understand that not every woman is meant to be in a position of Kate Middleton and not every man incarnated as Bill Gates. If after considering your situation in relations to your want you feel it is achievable, by all means go for it, take necessary steps, be smart about it (especially if you are investing money in to something); take professional advice in that area and you are set to go. If, however, what you think you lack is not meant to be in your life, then admit it to yourself and move on. If for your spiritual development you were not meant to have loving parents around you or big happy family or you were not meant to be a millionaire, then you have to learn to live with the fact that it is not meant to be your life. It is hard to admit and it is even harder to accept, however when you do you are able to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start living the life you meant to live. Even though you grow either way, generally people feel happier living the life they came to live instead of chasing somebody else’s fate. Sometimes you may incarnate to chase somebody else’s fate as your experience; you know it is your lesson if you can’t give up doing it instead of turning your feeling of lack in to opportunities for growth. When you came into this life, you have made some choices in line with your spiritual growth. It is really hard to believe that anyone can chose to be born in order to hurt another person and even more so the self. But it is only hard to believe if you do not have understanding of the fact that everything, no matter how difficult, is in your life for only one reason, your spiritual growth. We used to saying “we grow through our hardships and it only makes our spirit stronger”. While this is true, on the other level you are saying to the Universe “bring the hardship on in to my life and I’ll prove to you that it will not break me and I will get stronger!” And as always Universe gives you what you ask for, you wanted hardship so it is all yours. You believe that you need hardship to show Universe how strong you are and you create the environment around you which supports your believe system. You become addicted to hardship in order to prove to yourself that you are strong and can handle even more. While you are calling on to all of the hardship available in to your life (as if you are afraid that your neighbour can get some of yours), there is no room left for any joy to enter. Everything that you want - money, love, relationships, holidays, promotion, bigger house, children etc. cannot even get close enough for you to see it. And you feel lack of it. In life there is no lack of anything, there is abundance of everything in the Universe and everything is available to everyone who wants to take it. Nobody needs to be poor in order for somebody to be rich, nobody needs to lose their job in order for somebody to get promoted and nobody needs to die in order for somebody else to get born or find love. Universe is making sure that there is abundance of everything so as soon as you realise what you need to support your spiritual growth and development it becomes available to you. We are all here on our individual journey together. We help each other as we go; understanding of their lesson by one person open doors to understanding for others. We all came from the same place. Every human being, every animal, every bit of nature are parts of one big universe. If you imagine that universe is like human body with many parts and organs, you will see that humans, animals and nature are parts and organs of the universe. When you have a stomach ache - the rest of your body faces consequences. For example, you may have to change your plans for the night because you don’t feel like going out. The same happens for humanity. By helping one another we help ourselves. Small acts of kindness to one person will affect the whole of humanity. Of course the unkindness will have the same affect. Feeling of lack creates jealousy, aggression and the need for competition with others, whilst understanding of the fact that what somebody else has not meant to be in your life creates compassion towards the self and the other. Some people have material karma to balance while others have spiritual karma to fulfil and still others incarnated to experience the mixture of both. Humanity in general is undergoing transformational process from pure materialism to materialism/spiritualism to spiritualism to pure spiritualism. Individually we are on all of those levels but collectively we are on materialism/spiritualism level. For those of us who are still on the level of pure materialism, GFC came around in order to speed up the transitional process. Only few Great Masters are on the level of Pure Spiritualism and we don’t see or know them at all. The rest of us are transitioning in between materialism/spiritualism and spiritualism. We live in the space where we need material things to survive physically. We need food, clothes, and experiences and all of these require money as a means of exchange. If we think about having money for the purpose of paying for what we need and want in order to have the experiences we need for our spiritual development, we find ways to have all we need, Universe is looking after us and everything just falls in to places. We have the right job for us which pays well, we love what we do and we radiate joy and love while doing it. We use money which we get from our job for what we need at the moment for our spiritual evolution, be it beautiful garden for which you need larger block of land with bigger house or be it dance school which you join or design and build and for these reason you create jobs and employ people or be it charity organisation which looks after people in need. When we do what we do in line with our spirit, everything is working with us and in our favour. It is when we lack understanding that we have what we ask for, and always in abundance, is the time when we think that we experience hardships and we lack something we could have, should have, in fact it is ours by right but somehow for some reason Universe is abandoning us in favour of another and ignores our prayers. Universe is always listening and always answers and always gives in abundance. When you concentrate on what you lack you get more of it so you can concentrate harder. When you realise that all you lack is understanding, then Universe gives you more understanding and it is up to you to understand and to follow it through or to keep your thought process creating your environment which will support your belief system that you always lack something in your life. As always, you chose what you want and Universe provides it for you, in abundance ~ Erishka Fridman-Catt of Craft The Life Which You Desire
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:54:22 +0000

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