Day 5 - Advent Morning Minute VERSES: Matthew 12:15-21 Aware - TopicsExpress


Day 5 - Advent Morning Minute VERSES: Matthew 12:15-21 Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. A large crowd followed him, and he healed all who were ill. He warned them not to tell others about him. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations. He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he has brought justice through to victory. In his name the nations will put their hope.” KEY THOUGHT: Have you ever been guilty of making more of an injury than was necessary? Come on…we’ve all done it! That splinter that was going to require an amputation. That skinned knee that needed surgery. That common cold that enlisted calls to the CDC? We’ve all trumped up our injuries from time to time. We’ve all wanted the attention and the affection that physical pain seems to garner. We know that pain. But there is another type of pain in this world and we know that pain all too well. The loss of a loved one. The fracturing of a family. The betrayal of friends. The injustice of a false accusation. The realization of an unmet goal. Emotional pain. A type of pain that just doesn’t hurt on the outside but hurts deep down in your soul. Pain is no fun. Either type hurts. When you find yourself in the midst of pain what I’ve found that helps is to think of someone who’s endured more pain. Some of you may be thinking…more pain? I don’t know anyone who has endured more than I am right now. It’s these moments when our gaze needs to turn to Jesus. Someone who endured extreme physical pain. Beaten multiple times. Tortured in a way that caused 3 out of 4 people to die. Killed in the most horrific and barbaric way imaginable. Someone who endured incredible emotional pain. Betrayed by one of His own. Denied by His best friend. Abandoned by all of those who called Him teacher. Turned on by a crowd that days before welcomed him as a king. And separated because of our sin from His Father. It caused Him to cry and sweat blood. Jesus endured much pain and He endured it for us. He put Himself in the crosshairs of pain so we could experience a pain-free eternal existence. It’s hard to imagine what a pain-free existence will be like. But that’s the promise and the reward. I am both humbled and honored that Jesus loved me so much that He was willing to endure all that pain for me. PRAYER: Dear God, thank you for sending your Son to endure a horrible death so that I can experience an eternal hope in you. It’s hard to imagine what Jesus must have been feeling and what must have been running through His mind on that horrible day. I will hold on to His words from the cross. Father forgive them and today you will be with me in paradise. Two promises that I can build my life on.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:48:36 +0000

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