Day 5 of Intro to the Rescue I mulled over writing this about - TopicsExpress


Day 5 of Intro to the Rescue I mulled over writing this about these Girls individually or together but really, I think they must be together. It is woven too tightly for me to do it otherwise. Nicky and Dorella joined up with HOP through something of a random event. It is actually a tale of tragic loss. . .but it has lead to something really priceless. And it reminds me many an amazing thing is born from tragedy, much like the birth of Heart of Phoenix as a real working rescue. Dorella and Nicky headed up a cat rescue called Itty Bitty Kitty Committee - We had set up awareness booths next to them, done interviews with Nicky for the Nurse Mare Foal story and for another horse related issue. We ran in the same Save the World circles, for sure. I had even adopted my barn cats years back in 2011 from IBKC! And then suddenly, there was a starving old TWH mare in Elkview in back in early Jan 2013. Nicky heard of the situation, and when I saw the mares story on my newsfeed, I wished HOP could help, but we were full. Full, full and full. Some brainstorming led to, since Liz needed intensive care, Nicky and Dorella paying board and taking a rehabbed horse just waiting to be adopted, Coco, to foster. HOP took Liz in. The tragedy of the story came when Liz was assessed by the vet to be in the late stages of an illness that made any quality of life impossible, and we kindly put her down, then a short time later, Coco colicked and was put down. Really, that 1st part 2013 was fraught with horrors. After a vet diagnosed the Colic as minor in Coco, Nicky and Dorella stayed in sub arctic temps walking Coco through the night - all night - sleeping in winter conditions in the barn when she seemed to be ok. . .just to be sure. I arrived the next AM, assuming, as they wanted to, that the vet was right. But he wasnt. And with Cocos pending adopter, Cheryl, Sonora, Nicky and Dorella, Kelly (the kind person who had altered us to Liz being in need) huddled around in the freezing barn, we had to say goodbye to Coco. I am sure of only one thing about that day, that no horse in rescue was ever loved so much as that mare. Really, most people, with that type of introduction to HOP, would have said good riddance. Our constitutions cant bear MORE sadness like this. But that isnt what they said at all. They were then certain horse rescue was something they could not leave behind after the short time with Coco. They found a boarding situation where they funding out of pocket, though it was a struggle, a stall to be able to work with one horse at a time through HOP, starting with Dexter We sent whatever horse we felt needed the most time, handling and training. They have continued ever since. . .taking whatever wild thing I deliver to them, going after long days at work in the middle of the night to allot time to work with these horses that need extra time, extra love, extra structure. . .going on their own dime to training clinics to learn more, to be able to help more effectively. When Nicky fell madly in Love with Alex, I admit, my heart sank. I was afraid that would be the end of this duo working with a horse. The ability to continue to board a rescue would be lost, the time may not be there to commit. But nothing was lost. . .Alex just gained his forever soul mate, and between the rescue being able to step in with funding and Dorellas continued financial help, weve been able to keep that stall with a horse in need there . . . and they havent missed a beat with working day and night and every waking moment with these horses. . . Dexter, Amber, Alex, Blake, Skye, Lola, Prince, Pecos, Dahlia, Willie and now Rudy (girls, am I forgetting someone?) We do not usually send any easy ones their way. We send those that usually need something extra or a LOT extra. They love the challenge and possibly plot to murder me in my sleep now and again. Ha. But What this team has brought to HOP isnt limited to the one horse they give so much to while he/she is with them, but these are people who will go so many extra miles, I think Id personally faint following behind. When Moon was stolen and sold, through hell and high water, Nicky searched for her. Had she lost heart, I believe wed never had found her. It meant miles of driving and crazy calls that seemed to be going no where for well over a month. It took a faith I admit I did not have. They didnt hesitate when they received a bizarre call from my husband when I was out of cell signal in a rural area of WV with Boone in a filthy stall needing someone to haul butt and come get him during his seizure. . .from this message: Tinia is in Boone county with a horse. She needs you now, Nicky managed to figure out I was with the sheriff in the middle of no where and arrived just in time with trailer in tow in the middle of the night. . . How she figured out what was going on, Im still not sure. Wherever weve needed them, no matter the challenge, and given the recent Feral horse round up, you can imagine how huge the tasks can be. . .they have never said said no. I dont think they have ever really hesitated.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:57:27 +0000

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