Day 5 of my Thankful Challenge ended like 3 days ago. But you are - TopicsExpress


Day 5 of my Thankful Challenge ended like 3 days ago. But you are NOT EVER too late to be thankful. No need to number my thanks. Lord God, you have blessed me in ways that for the life of me I couldnt see coming. You have turned my storms into survivals, my trials into triumphs, and my battles into blessings. Where I continued to stay blind you allowed me to see so clearly the negative things and yes people in my life. You allowed me to see who was using me for their own personal gain and made me their convenience. Dear God you have brought people into my life that were true blessings because you lived in them. My anemia got the best of me to the point of hospitalization but you gave me the energy that anemia takes from you. My son is completely healthy and my close close close friends are doing absolutely wonderful. My true family is there for me 100%. With all that being said, this 5 Day Thankful Challenge may be over but I AM ALWAYS THANKFUL EVERYDAY. Thank you cuzzo Kimberly Harris for calling me out in this challenge, I Love You Sweetie. That is all.... For Now
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 23:32:30 +0000

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