Day 72 in the NICU. Do you notice anything different? Take a - TopicsExpress


Day 72 in the NICU. Do you notice anything different? Take a good look at my pictures. Did you figure it out yet? For you who guessed, your more nasal cannula. Im off my oxygen again. Before you jump up and down its just a trial to see how I do. Ive been doing pretty good and Im satting between 94-96 so thats good. Keep praying that I stay in the higher 90s cause that means Im making and breathing in some good oxygen. My bottle feeding is going ok. Not great, but ok. Im still only taking the bottle for 5 minutes at a time. Right now its not about the quantity, it about the quality of feedings. I need to really work on this because this is what is needed for me to go home. Pray that I get this feeding thing down and that I can do what is necessary to prove that Im ready to go home. Once they tell Mommy to bring in the car seat, we know were close. When I think about it, Im happy and sad. See here in the NICU, I have the most amazing nurses. They take such good care of me. Im really lucky, yet at the same time, my Mommy and Daddy cant wait to get me home. Mommy teases my nurses and tells them that they just want to keep me here. (She knows they dont, she just likes to mess with them). I know once I am home, that Mommy and Daddy will welcome the nurses into our home whenever they want and as often as they would like. When I was born, my Dr said, these nurses will become like family and she was right. We consider these NICU nurses friends now. I gained weight last night, 24 grams. Im now 4 pounds 6.9 ounces. Im 1/2 way to 5 pounds. Want to guess when I will be 5 pounds???? I think I will be 5 pounds by September 29th. Well friends, its snuggle time and Mommy picked out a new book to read. I cant wait, so until tomorrow, much love, Gabriella Marie.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:41:46 +0000

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