Day 9, end of day: It has been a pretty quiet day today, as - TopicsExpress


Day 9, end of day: It has been a pretty quiet day today, as Weston must have determined he had exerted FAR too much energy yesterday, and decided to take the day off. As a result, we did a lot of looking at him, and he did a lot of sleeping. One of the reasons is that he had his jaw surgery this afternoon, and he was obviously sedated for it. He’s just starting to move his legs a bit tonight, but we figure our best hope of some good movement or eye opening will have to be tomorrow. The surgeon, Dr. Deen, told us that things went better than expected in his surgery, and that everything looks really good. His jaw is perfectly set again (we requested the Brad Pitt chin), and he put two little plates in the chin to hold the fractured jaw together. The doctor even said he gets to keep the plates for the long haul. Meaning, good luck getting through those metal detectors from now on, Weston. His jaw is also now wired shut, and will be for the next 6 weeks. Yes, I know what you’re thinking here. Go ahead and make your own diet joke and share it in the comments. I’m not even going to start on this one. We had several visitors day. First was Jill Smith who lives not far from here, and is a sister-in-law to Liz’s good friend Jenny Smith. Jill was so sweet and even brought food! Then tonight we saw Quade Foster (who was also in the car accident), his wife Mandy, and Mandy’s sister Natalie and her husband Cameron. Quade is still hobbling around like an old man, but is doing better than last time we saw him. He is going to be recovering for a while still, due to a pretty significant amount of hip and shoulder pain. But he’s going to get there in time, and is grateful to be alive! During Weston’s surgery, Terry Henry took the two of us to dinner at an amazing restaurant called The Fish House out on the Pensacola pier. His wife Melanie wasn’t able to join us due to other commitments, but we had a wonderful time talking about life, our families, his career as a Marine pilot, and all the positive lessons we’re all learning through this experience. We even had these famous “Ya-Ya Grits.” I’d sworn I would never have grits again after a not-so-pleasant introduction to them in Atlanta., but I’ve been converted by this cheesy version. These were amazing! Liz thanks all of you SOOOO much for all your love, well wishes, and support! We are blown away at the over 1400 friends, both old and new, who are sharing in this journey with us. We feel your love, and no doubt, are seeing the effect of an army’s worth of prayers! We’re going to let Weston get some (cough, MORE) sleep, and we’ll be back for more tomorrow. I had originally planned to fly back to St George tomorrow, but can’t bear to leave my Weston-boy yet. So I’ve rescheduled and will be on reporting duty here through Monday. There’s no place I would rather be, and they’re going to have to get my favorite security guard, Roosevelt, to haul me out of here on Monday.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 03:43:51 +0000

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