Day Three : Finally starting to adjust to the east coast time! - TopicsExpress


Day Three : Finally starting to adjust to the east coast time! Woke up around 9am today! Albeit I stayed in bed until 1030am… I did Nan’s drive way as soon as I woke up cause it snowed a buttload over night. She was surprised I did it all before my morning coffee, which was cute. Though I drank a lot of coffee and had some raisin bread when I was done, of course. Nanny went to visit Poppy this morning around 11am, I didn’t go this time. I dunno, it just didn’t feel right today for some reason. I guess because it was so pleasant last time I saw him I didn’t want to risk tainting the last memory I may have. But I’ve over come it and plan on visiting him tomorrow. I got a lot done while Nan was away. Did the dishes and finished the driveway, though I didn’t quite go far enough down the road and seemingly didn’t do a very good job! Whoops! I had a shower, got pretty and watched some Netflix in bed. Nanny was home around 3pm, I had just fallen asleep so thank goodness she showed up and woke me up! Nanny had a bit of a rest when she got home, then we started on supper. Have you ever used a hammer to cut a fish bone? Cause now I have… Ha. Boy we had a mighty time trying to cut that stupid halibut! But we did it! Nan cut up the turnip and I was actually allowed to peel the potatoes… Looks like she’s beginning to have some faith in my kitchen abilities. Best not ruin it by setting something on fire! While Nan fried up the fish I took the sandbags from the shed and put them in the bed of her truck for her. Which was a feat, let me tell you. Those things are friggin heavy! Took me forever! After I finished breaking my back, which is a legitimate concern at this point guys, I salted the driveway for her. By then supper was ready and Donna had come over for dinner again. Though while I was setting the table and Nanny was finishing the potatoes, Donna fixed the mess I’d made of the driveway. Thanks Donna! We had another great meal and had the lemon meringue we (… Nanny…) made last night, for dessert! It was delicious and you should probably all be a little jealous. Donna left right after, leaving me and Nan to do the dishes - how convenient… Ha. But she promised to come back around 830 to take me to the Curling Ranger ; a local pub just about a three second walk away. Nanny and I were lazy so we watched the news before we did the dishes. Once they were done I started getting ready to go out. I was thinking about wearing my heels but I thought twice when I saw the half foot of snow that had already piled on the driveway I just shovelled. While out for a smoke Donna showed up ready to go! We finished our smokes and went in to say bye to Nan. She told me I had a two beer limit and Donna said she’d make sure I was good. Silly Nan to trust a lady like Donna! We walked down (more like hopped across the street…) and went in. I had already had two drinks but I was feeling kind of awkward not knowing anyone. Going to a bar and not knowing anyone is not at all something I’m used to, so it was super weird! But after about the third drink I started to liven up. Donna introduced me to a few of my dad’s and uncles’ friends and they were all super nice. It was dart night so there wasn’t really anywhere to sit besides the slot machines in the corner, so naturally I started playing - Lisa would be so proud. Donna played Keno and I dropped 40 bones playing a few different games. I was up about $95 at one point but I just kept playing in hopes of ‘smashing the pigs’ and ended up losing it all. Either way it was a riot, Donna and I had a great time. I made some new friends, which is cool. Jay (who made a point to call us EmJay as a duo), Aaron, Fish and Scooby. (I know right…) They were super funny and we had some laughs. Even the owner of the bar, God forbid I remember his name, was joking around with me. Everyone was so sweet and closer to the end of the night I seemed to have made friends with everyone at the bar, convincing me to come out tomorrow night and they’d all take me out on the town for my birthday - we’ll see if that flies with Nan! I came home and Nanny was up waiting for me. She got me a midnight snack : moose meat and beets, and went to bed. Now here I am writing this post about 8 rum and cokes deep. Nan said I could only have 2 beers but jokes on her I didn’t have any beer! Ha, I win! I’m in bed and ready to finish my snack, FaceTime my mom and hit the hay - big day tomorrow! It’s 1am, officially my birthday! I wish you all were here to enjoy tomorrow with me! Stay tuned tomorrow for the special edition of Emmajade in Newfoundland : the birthday episode!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 04:34:17 +0000

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