Day seven of 7 days of inspiration, LAST ONE: share your testimony - TopicsExpress


Day seven of 7 days of inspiration, LAST ONE: share your testimony of the gospel. Family and friends, let me share with you my testimony that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father who cares for us beyond comprehension. He loves us so much that sent his son Jesus Christ to earth. While here on earth he established his church alongside his 12 apostles. The wonderful message we as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have to share with you is that this same gospel has been fully restored on the earth once again. We have a living prophet today, just as Moses, Noah and Abraham, who leads and directs Gods church today alongside 12 apostles, just as Jesus did. This is what makes us different from another religion today. We invite all to come and learn and see for themselves whether this message we share is true. Heavenly Father promises that those who prayerfully and sincerely seek truth, will in fact receive an answer (James 1:5). I know this because I have prayed for myself and have had the Holy Ghost testify of truth. This gospel is centered on eternal families and eternal happiness. I know that through Heavenly Fathers plan of happiness families can indeed be together for all time and eternity. How grateful I am for the knowledge and testimony I have of these things, if you have even the slightest bit of curiosity as to what this gospel is all about, DONT ignore it. Act on it, that is a prompting from your father in heaven. You can browse or for more info or simply send me a message. The gospel can and does change lives, let it change yours like it has changed mine. #7daysofinspiration #dayseven #lds #mormon
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 04:30:38 +0000

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