De Mistura calls for launching a political process to settle - TopicsExpress


De Mistura calls for launching a political process to settle crisis in Syria 30/10/2014 New York, SANA, UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura affirmed Thursday the next step that should be taken is to launch a political process to resolve the crisis in Syria. “No military solution to the crisis in Syria… the current situation gives an opportunity to launch a political process to which all must be engaged in,” de Mistura said in a press statement after briefing Security Council on his visits to a number of capitals in the region. He added “I will visit the Middle East to evaluate the situation there and cooperate with all, and I will go to Damascus to discuss some issues.” De Mistura called for “freezing the conflict” in order to find an opportunity to improve the humanitarian situation and make people feel a minimum of safety. For his part, Russian permanent Envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin said that Moscow is ready to play and active role to settle the crisis in Syria in cooperation with de Mistura. “Moscow called on Mistura to continue cooperation with it, as Russia is ready to participate in settling the crisis through other formulas,” Churkin said in a press statement after listening to Mistura briefing.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 04:35:16 +0000

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