Dead Beat Governing vs. Regular Order > Sen. Ted Cruz is leading - TopicsExpress


Dead Beat Governing vs. Regular Order > Sen. Ted Cruz is leading the charge toward another round of government shutdowns by not paying the bills Congress has incurred. The way Cruz, Palin, Bachmann, and Fox unNews wants to govern is similar to you and me buying a shiny new car then deciding not to pay for it. Congress Power of the Purse does not extend to defaulting on Americas debt, shutting down the government or not paying the bills Congress has incurred. Doing this is irresponsible governing. If I were President Obama, I would veto any bill that does not fully fund the ongoing operations of the Federal Government. I would not accept micro budgeting as proposed by the above rightwingers among others. If Congress wants to change the way government functions, then pass a bill to make changes. If the bill is vetoed, then amass enough support to override the veto, elect more like minded members to Congress or impeach the president. THATS THE REGULAR ORDER. These right wingers are madder than a swarm of hornets whose nest has been knocked from a tree. They can buzz around and sting each other, but dont sting other Americans. They can huff and puff, but dont blow the house down.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 10:58:37 +0000

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