Dealing and Binding the Strongman Part 7 - Salvation is coming - - TopicsExpress


Dealing and Binding the Strongman Part 7 - Salvation is coming - Hope neglected, hope abandoned, hope restored 10 Minutes of your time.. Hope neglected, hope abandoned, hope restored One of the great reasons the church is so confused in this day, one of the reasons the church says so little of true significance to the world, is that it has neglected and abandoned, by and large, the hope of the coming of AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה). There are very few sermons preached on it. There is very little said about it. There is no time given to a consideration of what this hope means and why it is set forth so frequently and so clearly in the Scriptures. Great sections of the Scriptures that deal with the hope of our King YashYaHs return are simply ignored by Believers in Yah. As a result, our thinking is muddled and confused. The church does not know which side to take or where to stand. It has nothing to say. At best, the church today sounds an uncertain call that fails to summon anyone to battle, and does little to encourage the heart. AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה), in His Word, has called us to remind ourselves and each other of the coming of AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה). How many times did YashaYaH (יהושע) say, Watch and be ready for that hour. We must live daily in the hope and anticipation of that triumphant moment. The battle is not ours but AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה)s. We often think of this great struggle against the devil and his angels, . against the principalities and powers, against the schemes of the devil, as though it were primarily a private fight between us and the devil. No! This battle is AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה)s! Its true that the battle rages all around us and within us. It storms into our churches, our homes, our work places, our neighborhoods, our relationships with our fellow human beings. But when Satans blitzkrieg assaults us, we must remind ourselves that this battle is not ours, but AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה)s. We are individual units fighting in a great army. The ultimate cause is sure and the end is certain. We do not need to be troubled by all the terrible events that go on around us and on the nightly news, nor by the struggle that rages within us. Our King and Commander has already won. Though we may be hard pressed in our immediate realm in this battle, the cause is never in doubt. The end is absolutely certain; the outcome is sure. It is not ultimately a struggle between us and the devil but a struggle between MessiYaH and Satan. MessiYaH YashaYaH is always at work in human life and in society. He is at work through His body, the Christian church, to heal and to help, to love and to sympathize, until that morning without clouds dawns and the day breaks and every shadow flees from sight. Are you frightened by world events? Then let me reassure you: Its going to get much worse! YashaYaH (יהושע) said mens hearts shall fail them for fear because of things that are coming to pass on the face of the earth. Some reassurance! you say. But its true--the worse things get, the nearer AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה)s return. Our job is to eagerly await His return. Our job is to expect His coming and to be prepared for it. Our job is to pray and serve and obey and be ready. So the worse things get, the nearer our deliverance! If you think it is hard to stand now, if world events throw you for, a loss now, how will you stand when the darkness increases, when the cause looks hopeless, and things get very much worse? That is the hour when we must have the hope of salvation--the helmet of salvation that protects the mind. The writer of Hebrews says, Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him. But we see YashaYaH (יהושע), who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה) he might taste death for everyone (Hebrews 2:8-9). It is this hope that sustains the mind in all hours of pressure. Here in this favored land of ours we have so much for which we can give thanks. AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה) in His grace has granted that we might be relatively free from so much suffering and privation that we see in other countries. There are great areas of the world where faith may not be expressed openly, where the darkness is far greater than here, where the forces of wrong stride unopposed through the land, and nothing seems to stand in their way. Despite our constitutional government, there is no guarantee that the freedom we now enjoy will always be ours, and you and I may someday face the same kind of persecution we see in other lands today. What do Believers in Yah do in those places? There is only one thing they can do: They must put on the helmet of the hope of salvation. This keeps their thinking straight. It directs them in the causes to which they give themselves. It gives them advice and counsel as to where they should put their efforts and in what they should make investments of time and money and enterprise. The helmet of salvation can do the same for us. We need not succumb to the delusion of the world--the belief that human effort can bring about redemption, salvation, and the resolution of all human problems. How long has the world grasped at that futile dream? Read the ancient writings of the Greek philosophers and you will see that they were saying the same things and dreaming the same utopian dreams even then. As far back as human history goes, people have chased this elusive hope that some form of heaven can be worked out on earth. But AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה) has never said that. Consistently, throughout Scripture, He tells us that fallen man is incapable of solving his own problems. Only the hope of salvation can keep our minds and our hearts calm and undisturbed in the day of battle, in the day of darkness. Prayer Father, thank You for providing me with the helmet of salvation, the hope of Your ultimate justice and ultimate peace a hope that will be realized on the day of AHaYaH HauHaY (YHUH יהוה)s return. I know that things are not nearly as bad as they could be, nor even as bad as they will be. But I thank you for the constant assurance You give to me that even when events grow worse and the days grow darker and human hearts grow colder, nothing happens that is outside of Your plan. You are never surprised or caught off-guard. The battle is Yours, not mine. Thank You for the certainty that I stand in the power of YashaYaH (יהושע) and in the strength of His might. Thank You that my hope is not in some flimsy human program or scheme, but in Your eternal purposes. In the name of the One whose return I eagerly await, our King MessiYah YashaYaH (יהושע), amen.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 14:36:32 +0000

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