Dear April Joy, I have a word for you from the Lord for 2015. - TopicsExpress


Dear April Joy, I have a word for you from the Lord for 2015. As I was in prayer interceding for you here in Jerusalem, the Spirit of God gave me this message and instructed me to deliver it to you. It is a scripture I have had bookmarked since the Lord gave it to me. It is Isaiah 43:18-19: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert. When God gave me this scripture for the first time, I was in tremendous pain. It seemed as if everything was going wrong--physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially. I was crying out to God. I had a neurological disease that was undiagnosed at that time. In the natural, it seemed as if all hell was breaking loose. But as I cried out to God, He gave me an amazing scripture. I will never forget it because I wrote the date down. It was December 11, 1982. I had no idea what the new thing that God was going to give me would be, nor how He would make a way in my wilderness or springs in my desert. I said, Okay, Lord. I am not going to focus any longer on what I am going through, but I am going to focus on what I am going to. I am going to believe this word, and not dwell on the past. Little did I know the power that scripture would have on my life. I meditated on that word day and night and applied it to my life. One day the Spirit of God said to me in a still, small voice, Go to Jerusalem and pray. I had no idea that the new thing would take me to Jerusalem. Then He said, Send a letter to the Prime Minister of Israel [Menachem Begin] and ask him to meet with you. I felt that perhaps the new thing had something to do with the prime minister whom I had not met, and who did not know me. I did exactly as God had instructed and flew to Israel, checked into a hotel, and to my amazement received a call from the prime ministers secretary to say that he would meet with me. All this happened because of one portion of scripture that I dared to believe, meditate over, and stand on. When I met with the prime minister the following day, the first thing he said to me was, Why have you come? I must be honest with you: I was pretty nervous because I had no idea why I was there. I only knew God had sent me, but hadnt told me why. I repeated Mr. Begins question back to him, Why have I come? When I did that, he began to open his heart to me and shared very personal things. He told me about a heart attack he had suffered, about not wanting to be criticized, about a grandchild who had committed suicide. He talked with me as though I were his pastor. Two more times during those 30 minutes, he asked me why I had come. Both times I repeated the question, simply because I did not know the answer. Finally, he smiled and said, Im asking this for the last time--and dont repeat my question! Why did you come? I replied, Mr. Prime Minister, I dont know. He looked at me, laughed, and said, You dont know? I said that I didnt know why, only that God had sent me, but had not revealed why. God sent you but didnt tell you why? Yes, sir. Mr. Begin turned to his secretary, Yechiel Kadashi, and shouted, Shake this mans hand. You have met an honest man. He flies 8,000 miles to meet with the prime minister; he says God sent him, but he doesnt know why! He turned to me, When God tells you, why would you come back and tell me? Im very curious. I assured him that I would. I went back to the hotel and the following morning when I arose to spend time in prayer, I heard a noise in the hallway. I opened the door and picked up The Jerusalem Post on the floor outside my room. On the front page was a large article recounting the murder of Jonathan Netanyahu on the anniversary of his death during the raid on Entebbe to rescue Jewish hostages. Again, the Spirit of God directed me to go to the Netanyahu home to comfort the family. I did not know them, but found a driver who knew where they lived. When we arrived, I knocked on the door; it was opened by Jonathans father, Benzion. I said, Sir, I dont want to impose on you; I simply wanted to come to express my condolences for the death of your son. He asked who I was and where I was from, and then sat and talked with me. While sitting in his living room, a young man, Benjamin, entered the room. He appeared to be very depressed over the passing of his brother. At that time, he was working for a furniture company. I asked him if I could pray with him, and he reluctantly nodded yes. I took his hand in mine, and when I began to pray, tears began to stream down my face. I prayed, Jonathan loved David; you loved Jonathan. From the ashes of your despair will come strength from God. You will become prime minister of Israel twice; the second time will be during the most dangerous days of Israels history. He looked at me as though I were a complete moron. He said to his father in Hebrew, You allowed a moron inside our home. Benzion said, Hes not an ordinary moron, this is the real thing--a genuine moron. Benjamin turned to me and said, I have no intention of ever going into politics. I left their home and returned to the hotel. Once there, I called Mr. Begins secretary and informed him that I now knew why I was in Israel. He arranged for me to see the prime minister the following afternoon. When we met, I said, I met the prime minister yesterday. No, he said, we met two days ago. Its not you, its Benjamin Netanyahu. Would you consider giving him a job in your administration? I replied. The prime minister seemed not to know who that was until I said, Benzions son. Then he realized to whom I was referring. That same week, Dr. Reuven Hecht offered a position to Benjamin. Today, Benjamin is indeed the prime minister, and the times are very difficult for that tiny nation. Yes, all that happened because of one promise from God, and it happened during a time of great difficulty in my life. Ive been instructed by the Lord to encourage you today. Dont focus on your circumstances; focus on God. When you do, the prayer you have been praying will come to pass--whether financial or a physical situation, or with loved ones who need answers to prayer. Look around and be distressed; look within and be depressed; look to Jesus and be at rest. I want to encourage you to look to Jesus and focus on this one promise. Meditate on it. This is my assignment from God today--to give you this promise and encourage you. Your Ambassador to Jerusalem, Dr. Michael Evans
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:35:18 +0000

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