Dear Believing Friends Following on from the weekends - TopicsExpress


Dear Believing Friends Following on from the weekends conference with Andy Hall on Creating Kingdom Culture - focusing on the Holy Spirit - heres what happened to me on Sunday Monday and Tuesday also today Wednesday .. this is to encourage all who came to the Conference, and also to speak to those who think charismatics are just frothy extroverts or deranged Christians from another planet. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is essential for every Christian to work effectively in the Kingdom of God. Sunday - A woman gave a prophecy in a Church of Scotland in Edinburgh about people who had unfullilled visions in the 1980 and 90s that had not yet come to pass.I had such a one in 1983 before I came back to Scotland - one about travelling around Scotland preaching the Gospel. In that same meeting I had another divine encounter which I would rather not make public but was a real blessing - I hope to all involved.. On Monday morning I went delivering leaflets for Healing Rooms in Methil. A man stopped me on the street and asked me what I was dong - I explained and he quickly identified himself as a lost sheep in need of help. I gave him some guidance before he had to go for a waiting lift to work. Later that day I joined with some other dear faithful sisters for prayer in Thornton Church of Scotland in which one of them received a clear revelation of what God was doing in that village - which guided us in our prayers. This was after witnessing to someone who come up to me in the street on the way there! In the after noon of that same day - on a whim I went to a prestigious local venue to ask about the possibility of holding a prayer breakfast in their facility for some visiting American brothers. The dignitary was in residence - alone and agreed to talk to me. After briefly explaining my request he said to me - what is a born again christian - an evangelists dream question! Then on Tuesday I made an arrangement with a brother who has been planning a Seven Cities tour of Scotland to preach the Gospel in September this year - fulfilling the prophecy given in the Church of Scotland two days previously. On Wednesday 8.45 in Sainsburys Cafe a man I barely knew came over and sat with me . After chating a bit he asked if we could meet up somewhere, I told him about Peter Carrs New Church - we arranged to meet up there at 3.45 on Sunday. I then went to meet up with Peter Carr to do a 9.30 prayer walk around Buckhaven the area of the new church. Whilst waiting for him a name came into my head. I went over the road to the local butcher where a man by that name was alone serving behind the counter. I invited him to the new Church. Peter came and we headed off to prayer walk. 2 minutes into the walk we met someone Peter knew on the street. After listening to him we prayed with him on the Street.The Prayer Walk was one of the most joyful and enjoyable I have ever done. When the walk was finished another persons name came into my head, trying not to shred it with my brain, not quite sure where I was heading. I ended up outside a local Mission Hall in Methil. It was closed and locked up. I phoned the Pastor - number unavailable. I turned to go - seconds later his car pulled up with four occupants. After a lengthy conversation - I ended up with an opportunity to preach the gospel there in two weeks time- the first time in I dont know how many years I have been asked to preach the gospel - anywhere in Fife. Unknown to me after the conversation the others who had been listening in in the car - I was introduced to the front seat passenger - an unbeliever - by the name the Lord had put in my head an hour previously. By that time he had already heard I dont know how much testimony about the Lord and salvation from us all. I headed off rejoicing to Kirkcaldy to join in with Evangelistic prayer with another group who go out on the streets on a Wednesday. After prayers I declined an invitation to go with them to the streets, feeling inclined to go elsewhere. In that elsewhere I met a lady who I knew from one of our previous support groups who I hadnt seen for years and was now looking for a little help. I got her new phone number and arranged to do what I could. Went back to the Street Evangelists to wait upon my new friend and brother Wilson who was witnessing to a young man. Not wanting to interrupt I stood nearby praying for him for 15 minutes in tongues. When he was done we went off together to Leven Sainsburys Cafe for a chat where we discussed the setting up of a public debate with Solas man Richard Lucas in Kirkcaldy on Creation versus Evolution - something which i had been looking for someone suitable to take on for over a year. Wilson is the right man , very capable and very keen. As we were sitting there someone came and sat at the next table. He looked familiar and drew my attention. As Will and I got up to go I ended up going over and talking to him. We had almost an hour long conversation standing up in the middle of the cafe surrounded by people - during which time I shared my testimony and listened to his response which indicated God was already pursuing him. I gave him a gospel from the boot of my car and a little guidance on prayer and reading. I went home to do some chores -Kath was working late.Whilst working away I found myself singing Over the sea to Skye at about five oclock in the evening . Later that evening I got a text from a brother who had been meeting with me for prayer over a number of things including a local minister who was looking for a new charge. The text said .... has taken up a new post in Skye - make of it what you will - but it is interesting to say the least. All this seems to me to fit in with Andy Halls teaching on Free Supernatural Upgrades are available to me at any time! Now I know no one was healed , set free or saved - as far as I know - but there is no doubt about significant increase in my experience of divine activity. amazing what can happen when your carnal brain is brought into line with the truth and the shredder switched off! All this is on the back of four other significant happenings both on Sunday following the Conference and also the Monday - amazing. This is not about me blowing my own trumpet - I just believed, as I say switched off the shredder and turned up for duty! Dear Skeptics - please reconsider -if not for your own sake - for the sake of others and for the glory of the King. I am sure others have got many testimonies too - please write them up to encourage others. Dont hide your light under a bushel! Thanks Andy - thanks Lord - what a blessing _ I am truly blown away. .
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:56:58 +0000

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