Dear Brother, wa alaikum assalaam! Thank you for your - TopicsExpress


Dear Brother, wa alaikum assalaam! Thank you for your email and for your critical comments on the subject of living in the modern age. So long as Muslims are free to worship Allah Most High, to preserve themselves and their families in Islam, and to freely propagate Islam in society, they have a duty to continue to reside in society regardless of whether it is founded on democracy or dictatorship. However, when freedom to propagate Islam is restricted to only that cosmetic Islam that is approved by those who rule the world, and when, in addition, Muslims see their children being lost to Islam despite their best effort to preserve them in Islam, and this because of the evil influence of an essentailly godless and decadent world, then their duty is to take whatever steps are necessary to preserve faith in Islam. The blessed Messenger of Allah Most High was quite explicit when he warned of a time to come when a man would have to flee to the mountainsides where rain falls, with some sheep and goats, in order to preserve his faith! There are so many in the world today who would adamantly argue that it is wrong for Muslims to seek refuge for themselves and their families in a remotely-located Muslim Village even though they live in an age when their children are being lost to Islam before their very eyes. Such people have a status equivalent to cattle. They have eyes and yet cannot see, ears and yet cannot hear, hearts and yet cannot understand! But there are others who have eyes with which to see and to thus recognise the gravity of the unique and unprecedented crisis that has overtaken all of mankind all around the world today. My own response, therefore, is that each individual must be allowed the freedom to choose and his choice must be respected. My choice is to build the remotely-located Muslim Village. Yet I do not boast when I claim that no Muslim in my native Trinidad has made a greater contribution than I have in responding positively and critically (over the last three years that I have been in Trinidad) to the challenges that face Muslims from the national community. Thus establishment of a remotely-located Muslim Village is essentially a means of protection from hostile forces and should not be interpreted to imply an abandonment of responsibility for responding to the challenges of society. with love, Imran N. Hosein youtube/watch?v=M-SqdzOubRk
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 10:15:52 +0000

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