Dear Chichi, am just reminiscing my ordeal in your hand 18 years - TopicsExpress


Dear Chichi, am just reminiscing my ordeal in your hand 18 years ago,how time flies. I told you if am seriously in love with you any guy around you is a potential threat. At least, that’s how I feel. It is for this reason that I did not feel comfortable and secure about your unusual closeness with that man who made it part of his biblical duty to always drive you home. When I mentioned it, you dismissed it sharply, saying there was nothing wrong with someone offering you a ride to and from work. Actually there’s nothing wrong with that. But the handshake seems was extending beyond the elbow and I was worried except that I’m either a fool or I was not afraid to lose you. I was aware of how you were so infatuated with cars back in school, I saw it all. You would follow any nonentity just because the dude owns a car. I don’t know what is in a car or how someone’s car enhances their personality, but you actually enact drama to show the rest of the world that you were dating guys with cars. When your so call guy pulls up in front of your residence, you would roll down the window or sometimes open it and wait for as long as you can so that passers-by would notice you. When you are done with that, you would come down and move to the guy’s side of the window and spend eternity pretending to be chatting, while proudly on to clutching a pack fried rice from Mr Biggs. Fried rice with chicken from eatery suddenly become a status symbol with you. Strange, isn’t it? But you not done yet. While at it, you will be raising your head and looking round boastfully to see who is watching. When the guy is finally leaving you will give him a peck or a kiss. After that you’ll stand in front of the car, and waive until the car is out of sight. But you will not move immediately into your house. You fidget with your phone for a while, just to make sure that at least one more person knows you alighted from the car that has just pulled away. when I proposed love to you, the fear I nursed and for which reason I thought you would turn down my proposal was the fact that I didn’t own a car. Unfortunately you turned out to be one of those unreasonable ladies who do not see beyond what one has today. Like some ladies that want already-made guys to date, and perhaps, to marry. While it is natural to feel attracted to someone who appears successful, I think the primary goal for going out with someone should be love. Does he value you? Or he thinks you’re just one of those who will fall for him because of his Cool cash or car? I had the belief that those who fall in love that way often regret, even in rare cases when such relationships result in marriage. After giving birth to two or three children, such ladies, whose beauty in their prime could cause a man to revoke a celibacy vow, become housemaids. When a colleague asks, “How’s your husband doing?” their hearts begin to throb at the mention of the word husband. “Our husband or my husband?” she would ask in her mind and go ahead to say, “Hmmm, he’s fine.” “Why? Is there any problem at home?” “You know men and their thing,” would come the reply. “They are all the same. I don’t know how God created them.” How did God create them? You went after the cash and he gave you the cash. You wanted to ride in a plush car and he was one of the few guys in town who owned that latest class of Benz. You’re now his incubator and his cook. That’s how useful you are to him now. You should have asked what he wanted before running after him. He saw your bewitching beauty and, like a butterfly, he wanted to perch on it. Those firm breasts that once stood at an angle of 90 degrees tempted him. They teased the hell out of him. They tickled him. And those looks he gave you were not looks of admiration. They were lascivious looks, how-I-wish-I-had-her-in-bed looks. He wanted to see what lay between those enticing thighs you proudly displayed, thanks to that skirt they call “mini”. And generously, you gave everything to him, in exchange for what you lusted after. Cash, Cars. Chichi, this is what you have reduced yourself to. I used to think that all of you werent the same until I met you. I did not pretend to be what I was not when I met you. And you never loved me for who I was, because I dont owe a car. I still find it both very unfortunate and strange that today, a car is been threaten some relationship. When you started working, that so-called married man never failed to bring you home. I was shocked to know that he lives in court road Gyadi Gyadi quarters but will drop you in sabon gari every evening before struggling home in that thick traffic at Ibrahim Taiwo road. Chichi, no sensible guy will sit and watch this unless he doesn’t love the girl. The first time I told you I was uncomfortable with what was happening, you retorted sharply, “That both of us should enter the car That was an insult to me. If I had a car I would pick you up. But I don’t. And you know it, but you still asked, perhaps, in an attempt to deflate my ego. Maybe, you achieved that aim. Chichi could you imagine how shocked I was few weeks ago when we ran into each other and you look haggard and on further probing you said the dude has abandon you for another ravishing damsel that it was youthful exuberance that made you reject my proposal. Chichi,like I normally told you a game man should never loose hope until the final whistle.
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 13:14:39 +0000

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