Dear Consultants: We know it has been an exciting afternoon - TopicsExpress


Dear Consultants: We know it has been an exciting afternoon for everyone. The purpose of this message is to address questions and comments we have received about the Holiday Gift Sets and Born to Sparkle wraps. Holiday Gift Sets By 11:00 a.m. MT tomorrow morning a new Holiday Gift Set will be added to the Jamberry website. Based on consultant recommendations, this gift set will include the Three Holiday Exclusive Wraps + this months Sisters Style Exclusive First Frost. The four wraps will be available for purchase for $45USD/$51CAD. The wraps will be placed in the Jamberry Holiday mailer, but will not include special gift wrapping or the holiday postcard. We know each of you are creative and will find a way to turn this set into an extraordinary gift. Canadians are eligible to purchase this new gift set, but we cannot guarantee Chirstmas delivery. Born to Sparkle Any consultants or customers who are disappointed with the Born to Sparkle wraps that were ordered in connection with the Back For Black special will have one of a few options: 1) Return the wrap for a full refund. 2) Exchange the wrap for another wrap 3) Return the wrap for the Theres More version of the Born to Sparkle wrap that was the Sisters Style Exclusive earlier this year. While this third option will be available to all who choose, the Theres More Born to Sparkle wraps will not be available to resend to customers until after the New Year due to peak production during the holidays. An Inside Look at Jamberry - For Those Interested We Ran Out - Thats Our Bad Earlier today, we ran out of the Joyful Holiday Gift Sets. We know that many of you have been using that product as a great sales tool leading into the holidays. When we launched the product our trending sales data indicated that we would have sufficient application kits and other materials to provide enough kits to supply you and your customers through December 10. While we have more application kits on the way and can create more boxes for the holiday gift sets, the timing of receiving those items is now at a point that we would not be able to deliver the product by Christmas. We realize there was some messaging around the product launch that suggested we would have unlimited supplies of the product and that was certainly our intent. In this case, the demand for the gift sets exceeded our ability to get product to our warehouse in time. We hate to break our word and thats why when we are put in tricky situations, we try to come up with creative solutions and to provide transparency so that you know you can always trust that we will do the right thing and have your best interests in mind. A Little Perspective To put things in perspective, last year we sold 800 Christmas Gift sets. This year we will sell in excess of 50,000 gift sets. That is more than 62.5 times the amount we sold last year. That kind of growth is difficult to forecast. Nevertheless, we absolutely understand your frustrations when stock outs like this occur. All Hands on Deck - CEO Shipping Orders Due to the enormous volume of orders from the Black Friday weekend our shipping, printing, and customer service departments are backed up on getting orders out, printing wraps, and answering tickets which made the possibility of offering this new gift set option nearly impossible. To have the capacity to print, quality control, and package wraps for mailing and reach deadlines of December 10, we need more capacity. To help you receive what you need, we called for an all hands on deck day at Jamberry where all heads of departments and departments that can spare employees will be working on packaging these gift set orders! Thats right - Adam (CEO) will be packaging and shipping the gift sets. We are going the extra mile because we want you to understand how much we care about you and that we always have your best interests in mind. Thank You For Your Support We can’t express enough how thankful we are for Consultants that have stayed positive and during this stressful day. We hope you can always trust that we will try our best to make any situation right.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 01:59:46 +0000

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