Dear Diary - Utterly flabergasted when a friend on here sent me a - TopicsExpress


Dear Diary - Utterly flabergasted when a friend on here sent me a petition to sign to ban the Grand National as cruel and barbaric !! Me!! An avid racegoer!! The whole notion is absurd. Its the thin end of the wedge. Ban the National and you will have to ban in time all steeplechase and hurdle races destroying most of an industry that employs hundreds of thousands of people and generates billions for this country. Why? To prevent horses dying doing something they would do in the wild if ridden or not. It’s a fact that Horses race each other out of instinct. Its in their nature that they do this jumping obstacles too. I don’t just know this, I have seen it in Arizona! The difference is In the wild they would have a lingering death but in racing they are destroyed humanely. A tiny percentage of horses die this way each year those who do not are kept better, fed better and have better medical care and standard of living than the majority of the population of this country. I feel that is the problem! it’s not we take too little care its we can go the other way and care too much spending a fortune on thoroughbreds while people are homeless and starve. However this is compensated for by the thousands of jobs sustained particularly in craft skills, saddle makers, leather workers, blacksmiths farriers etc who would almost all be out of business if it was not for racing. These skills could well be lost forever! Thousands more would be out of work! More strain on the welfare state? Millions lost in balance of trade from bloodstock exports! The whole petition is Ill thought out nonsense based on knee-jerk sympathy dreamed up by the suburban liberal left who have no clue about horses or racing. I will rigourously campaign against this!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 11:11:42 +0000

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