Dear Diary, Break-ups hurt more than death. When a person you - TopicsExpress


Dear Diary, Break-ups hurt more than death. When a person you love dies, you know that the person is not here anymore but when you break-up you know that the person is there but not with “you” anymore. Even a person you truly love can hurt you. I’ve always had this feeling that when you love someone truly, they can never hurt you, not at least purposefully. But, I was so wrong. I loved her so truly and so much, I’ve always made her feel like an Angel. Every single day, every single moment I was with her, I always thought of various ways to make her happy. Among the many things I did, I wrote and dedicated articles on her just to see a smile on her face. Her happiness was always more important to me than anything else in my life (NO EXAGGERATION AT ALL)!! Even when she was not talking to me, I was thinking about ways to make her happy when she starts talking back to me and i wrote article upon her eyes. I eventually talk with her in shivering voice while I cried that night. I don’t think I showed even 1% of my love for her and still she was always on cloud 9 just with that 1%. She can never deny that fact. That was how much I loved her. However, when she decided to break-up with me (no, she actually broke-up with me in her heart), she didn’t even care to let me know. And there I was, thinking of various ways to make her happy after we get back together, not knowing that she already broke up with me. Had she told me that she wanted a break-up as being together was hurting her, I would’ve definitely done that, well may not be immediately but definitely. That’s because her happiness meant more than anything else to me as I already mentioned earlier. I LOVED HER SO MUCH THAT I WOULD’VE DEFINITELY LET HER GO. In fact, that’s what I did. It’s because I loved her so much, her happiness mattered to me so much and that is the thought in which I found solace even after break-up. You do not feel the pain of a break-up if it happens after you get into relationship with someone. At any point in their life, human beings always want someone with whom they can share their sorrow, happiness and just be themselves. Generally, everybody will have only one such person at any given point in their life. When things don’t go right and break-up comes into picture, it hurts both of them, even the person who wants to break- up because of the void that gets created in their lives. However, if you are already have someone filling that void, the break-up will not hurt so much. In my case, she was the only one I had at the time of break-up but she already had her best friend filling up that void who eventually became her boy friend. So, she didn’t feel the pain and I’m really happy for that. It would’ve been all the more difficult for me if she was also experiencing the same pain because I love her so much, I just can’t take it. What goes around, comes around! This is an extension to what I wrote above. Seven years ago, I had a very close friend with whom I broke up ruthlessly. At that time, I was the only one she had but I already had someone else filling that void for me. So, I had no idea how much it hurts until I went through the exactly same situation. I’ve always believed in this – you do good, and you get back good and vice versa. It turned out to be true! Knowingly or unknowingly, I hurt my close friend real bad and it came back to me after six years. Better late than never, so I immediately called her up and apologised for being so harsh on her back then. She did accept my apology. I learned a lot of things which might seem small or silly but they are very important in life. I learned that even true love can turn selfish at some point. I learned that pain can be handled with love. I learned the value of a relationship. I learned that a gesture as simple as listening to a person’s pain can relieve that person of that pain and give enough hope to live. Overall, this break-up has made me a more stronger and more matured man. Love you my Varanasi even though you hate me. P.S- Review Please.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:41:20 +0000

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