Dear Dr. Edward, Literally moments ago, at a special meeting of - TopicsExpress


Dear Dr. Edward, Literally moments ago, at a special meeting of the Law Society of New Brunswick, 137 anti-Christian lawyers voted to ban graduates from the new Trinity Western University law school. If this discrimination is allowed to stand, those students will not be allowed to earn a living in the province, simply because they took a personal conduct pledge to live by Christian standards. This is outrageous. It is illegal discrimination. It is un-Canadian. And it cannot stand. As you know, the Law Society of New Brunswick already voted on this matter earlier this year. And they did the right thing: they respected the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which specifically protects freedom of religion. In fact, freedom of conscience and religion is the very first freedom listed in our Constitution, under the section called fundamental freedoms. It is listed even before free speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association. Of course it is. Because if you are not allowed to have the freedom to believe your beliefs or think your thoughts, what use are those other freedoms? This is very basic. It’s the foundation of our liberal democracy. It’s shocking that these 137 bigoted lawyers don’t get it. Trinity Western has already had its Christian conduct pledge affirmed by the Supreme Court, in an 8 to 1 ruling, more than a dozen years ago. You’d think New Brunswick’s lawyers would know that – and would listen to the highest court in the land interpret the highest law in the land. But that’s the thing about bigots – they can’t change their mind, and they won’t change the subject. They just hate the idea of lawyers who believe in something higher than themselves. Today’s sneak attack vote was scheduled for a weekend, and it required lawyers to attend in person. In other words, it was tailor-made for a handful of disgruntled activists to try to have a do-over, after they lost the first round. We simply can’t let them get away with this. Today’s vote is not binding on the Law Society. But the bigots will surely try to trump it up into something more just than a handful of sore losers. It’s our job to make sure that doesn’t happen. I know I’ve been writing to you a lot these days. I’m sorry to clog up your e-mail. But this is important. The Battle of New Brunswick will be won or lost this month. And how New Brunswick turns out will influence the battle in other provinces too. The Law Society will have another meeting to consider today’s result, on September 26th– less than two weeks from now. We have got to let them know these 137 haters do not represent New Brunswick, they do not represent Canada, and they do not represent our Charter of Rights, which protects freedom of religion. Please write a letter to the Law Society right now. We’ve already sent in 16,274 petition signatures telling them to respect freedom of speech. But that was before today’s vote. So let’s set a new goal. Today, 137 haters from across New Brunswick made their voices heard. So let’s do ten times that – let’s get 1,370 e-mails from respectful, tolerant, law-abiding Canadians telling the Law Society not to cave in to the bigots. If you care about freedom of religion, and fighting against anti-Christian discrimination, this is the moment to do something. And it’s so easy. Please do two things: 1. Write a letter to the Law Society of New Brunswick right now, telling them to ignore the extremist fringe of 137 haters, and to obey the law, obey the previous Supreme Court ruling about Trinity Western, and to uphold religion freedom. You can e-mail them right now at [email protected] Be firm, but polite. If you want, you can remind them that most New Brunswickers stand with Trinity Western and freedom of religion. Our independent opinion poll proves it. 2. And let’s add more signatures to our petition. If you know of someone who believes in freedom of religion, who would like to join the 16,274 righteous Canadians standing up against these bigots, please forward this e-mail to them, and have them click here to sign up. These haters have not accepted defeat. They’re looking for a loophole, a technicality, a sneaky way to have a do-over. Sorry, not on our watch. Let’s stop them. We don’t have two-tiered citizenship in Canada, where people are banned from practicing law because they hold Christian beliefs. That’s un-Canadian. Those 137 bigots are doing something for themselves. Let’s do something for Canada. Yours gratefully, Ezra Levant P.S. Please send your email right now to [email protected] and tell them to stand firm – to ignore the 137 bigots who want a do-over.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:20:54 +0000

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