Dear Facebook--are you off your meds this morning? 1. I do not - TopicsExpress


Dear Facebook--are you off your meds this morning? 1. I do not need to poke back the 172 people who have poked me. Poking is the most functionless function you have here. 2. I have Liked a dozen new foodie pages in hopes that you would actually supply my newsfeed with something I can use and yet nothing, a big fat nothing. Are your algorithm tweakers all living in Colorado and personally invested in keeping the marijuana business alive? 3. If youre going to put only three food posts in my newsfeed amongst the hundreds of dead turkey photos and love Jesus pages, I think that those three should not include recipes for sea urchin. I live in Wisconsin. 4. Newborn human babies--they are not attractive. Stop it. Im okay with kittens and puppies and fawns. 5. The octagonal grill for eight, the fire spout, the glass house attached to the cliff, and the thing about wasps being assholes. Yea, I get it--if I like them, will you please stop showing them to me with the frequency of a CSI Miami rerun? Thats all for now, carry on, All my love, The Bacon Maven P.S.--Whats with all the damn posts about which way the toilet paper roll should face this morning? The end should be over the top, never behind the roll--why is this even a question?
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 11:55:32 +0000

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