Dear Fellow Servant In Christ Grace be to you and peace from - TopicsExpress


Dear Fellow Servant In Christ Grace be to you and peace from God: the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father. To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Galatians 1:3-5 Years ago, I was taught to order my prayer after the ACTS method of prayer, which stands for :Adoration - Praising, worshipping God, for Who He is: Confession - Asking God to cleanse us from sin: Thanksgiving - Believing, acknowledging Gods grace: Supplication - Our specific prayer requests The first, and, most important element is always begin prayer by getting our heart, soul, mind, and strength fully focused on our GREAT BIG GOD; our problems will soon look not very big in comparison .Prayer is, however, much more than merely asking God for something, although that is a very valuable part of prayer if only because it reminds us of our utter dependence upon God. It is also communion with God -- intercourse with God -- talking with (not only to) God. We get to know people by talking with them. We get to know God in like manner. The highest result of prayer is not deliverance from evil, or the securing of some coveted thing, but knowledge of God. And this is life eternal, that they should know Thee, the only true God (John xvii. 3). Yes, prayer discovers more of God, and that is the souls greatest discovery. Hallowed be Thy name.’ There is something here that strikes us at once. While we ordinarily first bring our own needs to God in prayer, and then think of what belongs to God and His interests, the Master reverses the order. First, Thy name, Thy kingdom, Thy will; then, give us, forgive us, lead us, deliver us. The lesson is of more importance than we think. In true worship the Father must be first, must be all. The sooner I learn to forget myself in the desire that HE may be glorified, the richer will the blessing be that prayer will bring to myself. No one ever loses by what he sacrifices for the Father. This must influence all our prayer Finally, we need to acknowledge that the process of prayer is not as important as the attitude of prayer. When God chose in His sovereignty to heal Mama Ann, He did so even though none of us expected it. Our feeble prayer was a simple act of faith—turning our worries over to God’s care (Philippians 4:6; 1 Peter 5:6-7). Christians can get hung up on method, worried that they haven’t said the right words, haven’t prayed hard or often enough, or haven’t believed deeply enough. That’s hocus-pocus, not prayer (Matthew 6:5-8). If you’re concerned about not praying with the right words or for the right things, memorize Romans 8:26—God’s Spirit even helped Paul pray! Of course these reminders are easy to read, but they’re not easy to live. To our finite human minds, we’ll always perceive “problems” with prayer. Are you struggling with your prayer life, not seeing results, wondering if God is listening? It might be time for an attitude change. It might be time to finally accept that the problem with prayer is not God, but us. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. For health and strength and daily food, We praise your name, O God. Amen Everyday in Africa, children live a life that most of us can’t even begin to put into prospective. Children line up in groves and wait to be served a plate of corn and beans to eat. If there’s not enough to go around, they beg on street corners, make illegal brew, or even resort to petty crime and prostitution to come up with enough to simply curve the edge of hunger. Our ministry is geared towards changing lives by providing physical and spiritual needs. Many kids here in Kitale, Kenya are left orphaned; and without intervention, they have no hope for their future. Due to this we have prayed and come up with a wise strategy to start a farming project that will help the orphanage with getting food, not only food but we can also sell some of the crops that we shall be harvesting from the farm to get cloths, medication, school fees and other basic needs to the orphanage, The projects needs $2679 USD Total cost of leasing and planting 5 acres of land. We believe that as we start the farming project God will bless the work of our hands and the project will succeed. For us to make this project succeed, we humbly appeal to you as a friend and partner to Merciful Hearts Orphanage to stretch a hand of donation by donating anything you can to make this project successful. It is a project that will run for many, many years to come, your donation is much needed, remember any single cent that you will sent it will bring a great change, every little gift matters a lot. Please feel free to visit our website mercifulheartsorphanage and see how you can donate or write us at mercifulheartsorphanage@gmail and ask how you can donate. May God bless you so much. In His Service Pastor Paul For: Merciful Hearts Orphanage. Pastor Paul is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and a person that is deeply concerned about child homelessness and vows to use his gifts to help eradicate it. He is also a Pastor at Agape Christian Ministries in Kitale Kenya. He has reached many places in Africa with the Gospel of Christ. Pastor Paul Agape Christian Ministries mercifulheartsorphanage
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:52:48 +0000

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