Dear Friend, I hope you are smiling out at the world this week - TopicsExpress


Dear Friend, I hope you are smiling out at the world this week from a place of peace and joy. I’m spending the first few days of 2014 remembering with love and gratitude what a good year 2013 was. Thanks for your presence in my life and for letting me share your hopes and dreams for the future. As the New Year begins, many of us will be thinking about ways of making things even better—becoming stronger, healthier, more productive, clearer, freer, happier and more in tune with the Spirit that gives us life. Our souls want to grow. And we ask ourselves what’s the best way to do that. Do we swear off all of our bad habits? Vow to lose weight, eat healthier, stop stressing out, quit smoking, spend less, spend more? Here’s what I have found: Skip the ultimatums, those resolutions with the due dates and deadlines. We can’t threaten ourselves into being our best. Instead, focus on how you want to feel each day. Be in the now—where all of our growth and healing takes place. Just for today, be that sugar-free, smoke-free, kind, positive, Spirit-filled person you want to be. And see how it feels. One day at a time. This month, I’ll be taking part in a special New Year’s program of inspiring, empowering teaching offered free to all those who are hoping to grow and change in 2014. I invite you to try this kinder, gentler approach to becoming a new you. Here’s all the information you need to join us » Namaste, Wayne Register today and you’ll receive FREE bonus videos to get YOU started now… hayhousenewyounow
Posted on: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 21:18:36 +0000

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