Dear Friends, Fans, Bands and sympathizers of Tainan May - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Fans, Bands and sympathizers of Tainan May Jam ~親愛的五月音樂季朋友、樂迷、和樂團們~ This is an urgent request for financial help! 這是一個迫切的請求! As you know the Tainan May Jam is a very unique music festival here in Tainan and this year I had to move it over to Hutoupi, a bit outside of Tainan, in co-operation with the Tainan City Tourist Department. 誠如大家所知,五月音樂季是在台南非常獨特的一個音樂饗宴。 今年我們和台南市觀光局合作搬家到了虎頭埤。 Despite many concerns it has shown that Hutoupi is a fantastic location and the people of XinHua are excited to have a event like that. 而新化人也非常興奮可以在虎頭埤這樣贊的場地, 舉辦五月音樂季這樣的活動 As always, every year, I am presented with multiple challenges and tests and often I have managed them almost single handily, no matter what. 一如往昔,每年我都會面對許多的困難和挑戰,無論結果如何, 通常我也都必須一個人去承擔 No matter what people had to say about me and my rather unconventional management style or the choice of Bands or location!Personally, I have never ever profited, either finically or as a musician from the event! 關於我的行事風格或樂團的安排、地點的選擇等等, 無論人們對我有怎樣的評論,但是就個人而言, 我從來就沒有因為舉辦五月音樂季而獲利, 無論是財務上或是音樂人的身份。 I also had invited bigger Band names, in hope that they would see that their participation would be a great encouragement to young bands and to the independent music scene in Tainan, cause we all, at one point start out as nobody, unknown to the our communities! 我也一直試圖邀請有名氣的樂團, 希望她們的參與可以鼓勵台南的年輕團體和獨立音樂人, 因為我們都曾經是不為人知的無名小卒。 I have fought back the commercialization of May Jam, so that local Bands have an equal chance to be presented! Therefor I have had never the chance to get the big financial government support or other sponsor ship! 為了給在地的樂團對等的機會, 我也一直為五月音樂季的精神和不被商業化而奮戰著。 也因此我無法得到政府或是財團的贊助。 The reach of May Jams popularity has grown, from just a few Bands to about 70 Bands that applied this year! I appreciate your trust in me and May Jam at large! 五月音樂季已經在成長中,從只是幾個樂團到如今已有70幾個樂團 來報名,我由衷的感謝大家對五月音樂季的支持和愛護! Now, to make a long story short, May Jam needs your help! 不過現在,長話短說,五月音樂季需要你的幫助! This years event has stripped me financially down to the bones of my existents. I can survive, yes I can but without your financial help May Jam will have to stop to exist! It is a fact and nothing will change that, unless we all can raise a 100.000 NT$ till December 31st in order to cover the most basic utility costs. Dec. 31st is the last day for me before the action starts to get May Jam on the road! 這一年的音樂季已經讓我付出了個人所有積蓄, 雖然我還是勉強可以生存,但是如果沒有你們的協助, 五月音樂季就要消失了! 這是一個現實且無法逃避的問題, 在年底前我們必須募到最少十萬元來支付五月音樂季的最基本開支。 12月31號是我決定五月音樂季繼續上路與否的最後期限。 This change of heart, also will be followed by several other changes of May Jam but not May Jam as what it is, which I will in greater detail announce at our mayjam web site but basically the idea is, to include more the Bands, vendors, friends, fans in the May Jam as a collective effort and to involved all parties carry a part of May Jams success and burdens too. 這是個“從心出發”的改變,五月音樂季將會有許多的新的轉化! 關於詳細的轉變我們會公佈在五月音樂季的官網上, 其主要的想法是要包含更多的樂團、樂迷、朋友們、 供應商等等五月音樂季五月音樂季的成員們, 一起透過集體團結的力量來共同承擔五月音樂季和分享五月音樂季成 功。 I mean all parties: vendors, bands, equipment people, stage supplier, Bands,... ! Other than that May Jam will stay the same, independent, grass root, Bands for Friends and Friends for Bands, and again at Hutoupi! 我的意思是所有參與的人:樂團、樂迷、朋友們、器材、 供應商等等等! 除此之外五月音樂季將還是會維持其精神不變,獨立的、在地的、 樂團和樂迷博感情的!且在虎頭埤舉辦。 Should we not be able to raise enough money in time, I will donate all the raised money to charity otherwise or ask for your advice! Please feel free to copy and send this mail to as many people you know, that appreciate the Tainan May Jam or those who you think may will like it and support such an event! 如果在時間內我們募不到足夠的經費, 我也將會把募得的款項捐給慈善機構或是徵求大家的意見來處理! 請求各位將這訊息轉寄給你的朋友們, 所有願意支持和喜愛五月音樂季的人! My May Jam donation account is: Name:孫和平 Bank: 822 Account: 358540377327 捐款賬號: 孫和平 822- 358540377327
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 14:01:45 +0000

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