Dear Friends; From the bottom of my heart, I wish to say - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends; From the bottom of my heart, I wish to say “thank you” for your support during the Grand Chief election. We are encouraged by the results of the July 15th vote, which indicate that more than half of voters in Eeyou Istchee want a change in our leadership. On Friday, July 26, there will be a run-off between myself and Matthew Coon Come. I respect my opponent’s contributions over the years, however, I believe that I am the man best suited to lead the Cree Nation as Grand Chief for the next four years. For me, there are two essential differences that become evident during our campaigning; two essential differences which I believe all voters need to carefully consider on July 26. First is the issue of hope versus fear. In contrast to a campaign of fear, I ran one of hope. Notwithstanding that I participated at important meetings which led to important agreements being established for our people, it is been suggested I lack experience. This is ironic, coming from a person who was first elected as Grand Chief, in 1987, at the age of 31. For 25 years I have been in leadership positions, experience that will serve our people well. Neither of us lacks leadership experience. It has also been suggested that all the progress we have made in the last 5 to 10 years in terms of agreements will disappear if my opponent is not elected, that our progress will stall. Nothing is further from the truth. Our agreements reflect the strength and will of the people, not that only of the leader, and our progress will never be abated. My message, “We Can, We Will”, is hopeful, it affirms that we can and will achieve our vast potential. While challenges exists, I believe we sit now in a place of excitement and wonderment because of the opportunities that lie ahead, not fear and anxiety as suggested by my opponent’s message of “Keep Calm”. The second issue relates to the priorities of our leadership going forward. While my opponent spends a great deal of time discussing governance and agreements, which are indeed important to the success of the Cree Nation. However, more governance structures and more agreements mean little if our people can’t find work, if they do not feel safe in the community, if youth lose hope for their future, if people do not have their own home to live in, if people feel diminished because of bullying, if people feel that we are losing control of our traditional lands to corporate interests, if women are not valued, or if people feel that the economic potential of Cree Nation does not trickle down to the community level. Yes, we need to protect our rights and seek new agreements where it makes sense, however, we must also look inward and deal with the important social issues which affect us. In this regard, I am hopeful. We can improve public safety through justice prevention programs, bullying initiatives and increased deployment of EEPF police officers. We can create a more progressive housing policy to ensure people have safe, comfortable accommodation to raise their families. We can stimulate an economic revolution within our communities to improve employment and give youth more say in their economic future. We can better protect our environment so that future generations of Crees enjoy the bounty of the land that has sustained us for thousands of years. We Can, We Will. As your Grand Chief, I will focus on these things and more. I will work for you, with your direction and your counsel. I will act with integrity, honour, humility and compassion. I will listen carefully and consult, and ensure that my administration works closely with the Chiefs to ensure the voice of individual communities is heard and respected. I will always remember that the Grand Chief serves at the pleasure of the people, and that no one leader is more powerful than the collective will and intent of the people. We are here today because of us - the collective skills, experiences and passion of the Cree people - and not because of any single person. More than half of voters said they want change. On July 26th, vote for hope, vote for progress on essential social issues, vote for the change you desire, vote for me, Ashley Iserhoff.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 15:58:24 +0000

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