Dear Friends, Life, for me, is super enjoyable, especially when - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Life, for me, is super enjoyable, especially when I do things or go places on the spur of the moment. There is something so freeing and delightful when I am spontaneous. On Monday my son, Jeremiah, went to New Jersey. We decided I would met up with him and then we would go to NYC. Now, NYC is one city that I have wanted to visit for years, for decades. I went to Amtrak, bought my ticket and spent Monday and Tuesday, doing usual activities. Now, I had been having traces of a cold, albeit traces from a cold my son had and which had left him feeling and sounding miserable for a few days. Although, I paid little attentions to those signs. I did take a couple of cold capsules. Yep, you guessed it! Monday evening Jeremiahs cold began to, silently and methodically, wreak havoc with my head. Fast forward to 3 a.m. Wednesday morning and I find myself texting my son, letting him know, I would not be meeting him in NJ in eight hours: Your disgusting and despicable cold loves me. This morning, both ears ache each time I swallow. I cough as though emphysema riddles my body. My throat hurts and my head pounds. My life sucks. Forget about life...I have a mere shell of an existence. I wont be enjoying, let alone taking my first Amtrak ride this morning. I wont be visiting my beloved NYC today. I despise your cold that left you to take comfort and refuge in my body....wreaking chaos, pain and inability to breathe on one as wonderful as I. Lest I forget these jarring sneezes. I cant speak. I can barely swallow but oh, how I can sneeze. If only there was a guillotine within crawling distance to end my misery. Well, eight hours later finds me still barely able to speak, very able to cough, very adept at blowing my nose every few minutes and eyes that appear as though I have cried for days. Curious as to why one minute, snot freely leaves my nostrils and ten minutes later, nothing freely leaves my nostrils thus making my head feel as though it will explode when I blow. I figure in a couple of days, I will be cold free or at least out and about, enjoying the out-of-doors and the wonderfulness of all of life, even a cruddy inconvenient cold. I will answer NYCs beckoning. I will have a swell time. I will definitely, even more, appreciate my normally healthy body, than I currently do. Penelope
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:41:36 +0000

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