Dear Friends Scots I love Scotland as the life ! I love the - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends Scots I love Scotland as the life ! I love the Scottish people for his intelligence and wisdom, I love the Scottish people because want independence from the United Kingdom. The history of the Scottish people is that of a people of great warriors who over the centuries have fought for is freedom and for the freedom of Scotland . I was born in Bologna , in the country that was once called Italy . Once , 40 years ago, after the defeat of Nazism and Fascism in 2n world war , a minority of Italians had tried to remove the roots of fascism in the wonderful Italy of great literary culture , art and music. But the battle was lost and the fascists disguised as mobsters and mafia masons have established today dictatorial power in the service of the European Union of Angela Merkel . Politicians Italian mobsters and mafia masons , among the worst in the world, led the Italian people to misery to enrich the German banks , the German economy and the bankers of the Bilderberg Group. Today , the beautiful Italy 40 years ago no longer exists. The mountains , the sea and the medieval towns full of history are still there. But today the geographical territory of Italy where there is a Great Cologne for German bankers , for American and for Vatican IOR . They have already decided the partition of the 3 areas , north, center and south. The sovereignty of Italians no longer exists. The basic rights to life for the weakest no longer exist. The misery is spreading and the sick do not receive the right treatment to heal. The politicians continue to steal money every day of the Italian people where taxes are 70 % of income. The Italian state , consisting of mobsters , and mafia masons of ruffians fascists , steals 70% of the money to pay for the Italians their salaries from 40,000 euro per month. Whilst a poor pensioner has to survive on € 600 per month. But the state also have privileged pensioners pensions from € 20,000 per month. The injustice is rampant in all sectors of Italian life. Now in this country that was once called Italy , social injustice is huge and each day it creates misery and poverty. Angela Merkel is happy about the Italian situation , and she is happy that Italians are the new slaves of Germany. The European Union is the criminal gang of new mason Nazis in the service of the Bilderberg Group and the zionist bankers worldwide . They have already decided that Italy , Greece, Spain and Portugal must to stay and live in great poverty , along with millions of muslim immigrants and African countries. This scenario will be the new geo-political situation of the European Union and of the Bilderberg Group in the future. In Germany, a new Nazism should check the south of Europe . The Italian people is made up of cowards and rabbits fascists. Few Italians are not fascists. The Italian people prefer to be a slave as when there was fascism and Benito Mussolini. The Italian people did not dare to rebel against the dictatorship of Germany Angela Merkel and the EU. The Italian people , today in 2013 , consists of stupid people , low educational level , who believes in the superficiality of life, who wants to live in poverty while continuing to pay 70 % of taxes to the state of political mafia , mafia masons and fascists. Rather than continue to live in this country that I call ... the lavatory of the Mediterranean Sea .. The fact of the Mafia , freemasons , fascists and Muslims .. I prefer to go away and be able to live the last days of my life in Scotland together with a fantastic people full of courage , virtues and ideals . And if Im in Scotland , I come to work, to provide citizens with Scottish my experience as an entrepreneur in some areas of services to citizens and businesses . Im still : a) a cook gourmet recipes of ancient Bologna and would like to open a laboratory in Edinburgh to produce in a traditional way with your hands fresh egg pasta . Then I would teach people how to prepare the Scottish interested ancient medieval food recipes Bologna. I look for a partner woman cook. b ) .... Private investigator with experience in the world , for industrial companies and governments. Im looking for experienced members . c ) Area export manager in particular to all of Europe east, with great success and results , I could help Scottish companies to export their products in the world . Im looking for a company interested . So if I come to Scotland to live with great joy the great Scottish independence , I will not be a parasite and how all citizens Scottish Ill try to earn my daily bread with my hands , my head and my legs base . Long live the independence of Scotland ! Long live the Great Peoples Scottish ! Paul Bragaglia
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:25:00 +0000

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