Dear Friends, The past few months have been the beginning of an - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, The past few months have been the beginning of an adventure that God is planning for me. Obviously, He has had the idea for quite some time, but I am just beginning to see what is in store- and it looks incredible. I’m excited to share with you what has been going on and what is to come, in this letter. You may know that over the past few years, I have not been in school, but have been working consistently until I could figure out what my passions are, and what I would like to spend my time doing as a career. To be honest with you, I have toyed with many different ideas, but none of them really stuck. All that I have known is that I want to have a good foundation in Christ, since, as I am human, I still fall into doubt, questions, and devotion to my Father. As I have grown in Him, I continue to want exactly what He wants for my life – a life dedicated to loving Him, and showing His love to others. I believe that my life is a mission field, and that God is calling me to big things in the near future, not only here in Halifax, but also abroad. With that, I am thrilled to share that I will be going to YWAM Biarritz in January 2014. Biarritz is a bustling vacation destination in the south of France, where many people go to enjoy life, and take time off from the stress and business that is life. Unfortunately, it is also a place of emptiness – gambling and heavy drinking is common at all hours of the day, and many people leave feeling more empty than they did when they got there. I plan to change that statistic. As Martin Luther King said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I would like to change Biarritz and the other areas I will be in, by truly loving those I meet, and showing them who God really is. For three months, I will be in Biarritz. There, I will be learning about the father’s heart based on what the Bible says, applying that in everyday life, reaching those who need a friend (and a forever friend in Christ), and will be taking a French course. Then, once schooling is finished, I will be travelling across Europe with the rest of my YWAM team, applying everything that I have learned thus far. I have been to Hong Kong twice, as you may know, and both occasions were incredible. Coming home, I was able to take a step back and see what God had blessed me with. I was able to hang out with students, encourage them, and tell them about The Lord through a language that we could both understand – love. The trips meant so much to me, because God opened my eyes to see that I am called to love people and build them up. So, learning that, I think it will go hand in hand with YWAM Biarritz. I believe that having the opportunity to love people who are feeling so down, and being able to help them see their potential and value in Christ will change their lives, but it will continue to help me see the heart of the Father. As I head to YWAM Biarritz, I would like to let you know that I truly feel that this is what God wants me to do now. I have prayed and asked Him to show me the right path, and if this is not what He wants, that he would put a full stop to it. So far, He has continued to bless me with support, fine-tuning, planning, etc. To me, this is not a vacation – it is an opportunity to see God in a new way, in a new place, out of my comfort zone. It is an opportunity to break chains in my own life, in order to let God take over all the parts of me. That way, I can spread the good news about what Christ has done in, through, and for me. Another thing that I would like to let you know about is the prayer aspect. I am relying completely on God to get me to Biarritz, but I know that there will be ups and downs in the whole process. Please pray for the following: > Firstly, that I would keep focused on where God is leading me – so often, we can get caught up in the process, getting stressed out, and not enjoying it. > Secondly, that everything would fall into place. > Thirdly, that God would impact many people through the course of my YWAM trip. > Finally, that all the financial stuff would get worked out. In total, I need $7000.00 for my 3 months of Discipleship Training School, plus the travel, accommodations, and general living expenses of our 3-month mission trip through Europe. I know God will provide, and He has given many people that I know generous hearts. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. I am blessed to have your support in any way possible. If you are able to give in some way financially, thank you. You can make a cheque out to me, get in touch with me, or email me a donation. If you can pray for me, thank you again! I know God hears our prayers and is faithful. If you would like to know more about my life in Christ, I would love to get together with you to talk about it more. Blessings and kind regards, Sarah Mott Smott17@gmail
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 03:51:28 +0000

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