Dear Friends and Family, this is a bit of a rant but Id really - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends and Family, this is a bit of a rant but Id really like to hear your thoughts. Whether you are interested or uninterested, we are friends on Facebook for a reason so it shouldnt be a great hardship to hit like or leave a comment...even a simple YES or NO. Its only little over a week until we decide YES or NO to an Independent Scotland... I have many people I both respect and hold dear, who of course have their own opinion as to which is the correct choice. For this, I salute you! I fully expect shared links from both sides totally dominating normal banter on Facebook in the coming days leading up to the vote hence getting my ramble in now. I have read and heard enough that I am comfortable to say I will be voting YES. I dont see why it has to be billed as a Divorce, why cant it be the youth that has grown up and has decided they are ready to leave home, to have their own space and make their own decisions on how they live their life? Its great living at home with mum and dad, but when you live under their roof, you live under their rules. I knew it would be tough going before I left, but I did it anyway and havent looked back despite not knowing how it would all pan out. Im no politician, and have no interest in becoming one. My opinion is just that, my own. For every Better Together story posted, a pro-YES story will appear and vice-versa. Lets face it, there are experts (far smarter than me) on both sides arguing their points. And do you know what happens on the 19th September, the day after the vote and regardless of the outcome? I will get up and go to work, the same as I do now...and will continue to do so day after day for as long as I need to. I will accept whatever the outcome is and I will still be friends with and share drinks with those who voted NO! I only hope that whatever the outcome, people will continue to show as much an interest in the well being of others, as much as they have in recent weeks/months when voicing their opinions. In the event of a YES win, I also propose (name courtesy of Chris Morrison) a new currency:- the Jock Dollar to replace the pound....coz I like the way it sounds.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:11:04 +0000

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