Dear Friends, as Jesus has forewarned us and gave us Prophecies - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, as Jesus has forewarned us and gave us Prophecies over the years of this mission, in TODAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2014, THE SPEECH made to the European Parliament by the False Prophet has FULFILLED these Prophecies. You must begin to prepare because the anti christ will make his entrance very soon as Jesus said. I know its alot of Reading but it is VITAL that you ALL fully understand in DETAIL just what has happened today and what has been presented and what will now begin to go forth starting here in Europe and will spread across the planet. Please take the time to read the full text of the False Prophets speech. Pray first because it is so well worded and will touch the core of you to believe his words are good and warm and truthful. BUT REALLY pay attention to what he is saying. Then Read the Messages given to us years in advance by JESUS to watch for when this begins. HUMANISM is what this entire speech is about. God help us all + Look behind the mask of humanism and you will not find signs of God Saturday, July 27th, 2013 @ 19:22 My dearly beloved daughter, it is My Desire that all My cherished followers pray hard to deflect the harm to souls, because of the growth of atheism. Atheism does not always declare itself. Very often, people who have decided, for whatever reason, to no longer believe in God, create a substitute. Because of the makeup of man, he must seek out a cause in order to justify his existence. The curse of humanism is that it exalts man in the eyes of man. All that must be done, according to the humanist, is to ensure that man’s needs come first. Many people confuse humanism with Christianity. When one proclaims the importance of worldly goods in the lives of man, at all cost, in order to avoid suffering or poverty, it is easy to assume that this is a form of love for one’s neighbour. If you say that you want to put a stop to poverty, unemployment and other miseries, many will think you are speaking in the Name of God. Look behind the mask of humanism and you will not find signs of God, nor will you hear His Name mentioned. Those who live their lives as humanists do not love God. They only love themselves. They also believe that all that matters is the wellbeing – usually in the form of worldly things – of humanity, as a means to an end. While it may seem charitable, to be seen to care about the needs of man, you can never substitute God, by placing the needs of man first. When you do this, you insult God. Humanism, while having all the exterior signs of love for God, is not what it seems. Behind the mask of love lurks a love of self. Man will die, his body will turn to dust, his soul will live on, yet, humanism would have you believe that man is immortal. Be careful when you embrace humanism, because when you do, you cut yourselves off from Me. Your Jesus To Mankind Friday, June 27th, 2014 @ 22:11 My dearly beloved daughter, you will never identify the work of Satan in the world that easily, for he is very cunning. He will rarely expose his deeds in a way, which would cause people to question his influence. Throughout his reign on Earth, he went to extraordinary lengths to convince the world that he does not exist. Rarely will you see the truth, because it is camouflaged through those people he uses to convince people that God does not Exist. The objective of the devil is to fool people into believing that the world and the existence of the human race is a means to an end. His greatest triumph was the introduction of humanism and, in particular, secular humanism. Humanism, a so-called desire to look after the needs of the human race, through the elimination of social injustice, is flawed. Those who adopt humanism in their lives do so as a substitute for a belief in God and it is understandable why they do this. Sadly, many religions have produced dissidents, whose behavior is not influenced by God. Their hatred for others and their murderous intent is exercised in the Name of God when, in fact, it is Satan himself who inspires their every move. He does this to drive people away from God. These dark souls commit terrible injustices and use the Name of My beloved Father to carry out wicked acts. They then justify these acts in the name of their religion and they cause many people to reject all belief in God. Secular humanism, while applauding all good things in the name of social justice, is very appealing to those souls who are tender of heart, for their intentions are good. Sadly, when they embrace this doctrine, they are saying that the Creation of the world was an accident, caused by nature. But this is untrue, for the world was created by My Eternal Father. No scientist will ever be able to explain the Creation of the world, because this knowledge will never be made known to man. To reject the supernatural and the Divine Existence of God means that you reject moral guidelines, which derive from God. This means that morality, a deep sense of what is or not pleasing to God, cannot be sustained and this leads to darkness. Instead, man will become focused only on his physical needs, and he will neglect his soul. Upon death, his soul, which he refused to accept as a life-giving Gift from God, will still not accept God’s Mercy. Many of these souls will have completely alienated themselves from God’s Mercy at that stage. My Church, when it divides and falls, will embrace humanism with great relish. And, as a result, it will draw all those souls into a flawed interpretation of the Truth of their existence. The world will then embrace this new type of church – a church concerned with social injustices - and not one word about the importance of the salvation of your soul will be uttered. Your Jesus Friday, August 8th, 2014 @ 21:15 My child, as Christians the world over continue to be persecuted, mocked and sneered at, be aware also that they will divide amongst themselves. Each one to his own; each to his own desire and each to his own interpretation as to what it really means to serve my beloved Son. While people are frightened by the terror by which Christians have to live their daily lives at the hands of wicked men, they must know that this is but just one form of scourging, which those who proclaim the Word of Jesus have to endure. Every attempt to undermine Christianity is being made by governments, human rights organisations and other powers that claim to promote the welfare of humanity. Humanism will become the substitute for Christianity where no mention of God will be uttered. Humanism, the rationalism used by the evil one to encourage people to use science to undermine the Divinity of my Eternal Father, will devour the world. On the outside its smooth tones will convince any man, who does not have love in his heart for God, that it is more desirable than the Truth. To convince man that humanism is superior to the Word of God is the ultimate goal of my Son’s enemies. Humanism provides a cunning cover for the traitors within my Son’s Church who desire to be seen to be loving, caring and vocal about the needs of others. They will preach humanism and all its empty promises from the pulpits in Christian Churches until, virtually, no mention will be made of the importance of salvaging your souls. Sin will be dismissed as being a way to avoid conflict in the world but not recognised as being a real thing. The greatest deception of all time has descended and soon all of you will find it difficult to remain loyal to the Truth. The Truth brings understanding and a realisation of what it takes to achieve true peace and love in your soul. It means that you will know the Love, as well as the Justice of God. It also means that you will be aware of God’s Mercy. When all mention of sin is eradicated and when my Son’s Church no longer refers to the importance of salvaging your soul, you will know then that the times are upon you and that my Son’s Time is close. Your beloved Mother Mother of Salvation Monday, June 30th, 2014 @ 23:50 My Anger is unknown to you, because you have yet to witness it. But know this. You who will betray Me already know who you are, for your faith has already weakened. Many of you have already fallen and your weakness will be your downfall. You will betray Me; deny Me and embrace My enemies, for you will be so caught up in the new religion – the secular humanism, which will come as a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing to devour you – that I will be forgotten. Your ambition and desire to please those enemies of Mine, who will rise to great heights, within the echelons of My Church – will blind you to the Truth. This will be the cause of your demise and all those whom you will pull into grave error. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/you-can-only.../ Saturday, June 28th, 2014 @ 15:03 Many new rules will be introduced into my Son’s Church on Earth, as thousands of newcomers will be sworn into the Church and they will not be authentic, for they will not have the True Spirit of Christ within their hearts. They will enter the Church and will bear witness to a new one world religion, which will not honour my Son, Jesus Christ. Not only will they not serve Him, their duty will be to serve the needs of humanism, which will, at its very core, deny the Existence of the Supernatural State of God and all that He stands for. The clergy, who once pledged their lives to God, will be drawn into this great deceit and as a consequence will lose the True Faith. They will not promote the importance of the salvation of souls, which was made possible by my Son’s death on the Cross. The Cross is at the centre of Christianity. There is only one Cross and it will be through the Cross that the first visible signs of the betrayal of my Son will be seen. New kinds of crosses will be introduced which will snub the Sign of the Cross and what it means in the hearts of man. Non-believers, who up to now, had no interest in Christianity, will be drawn into the so-called new one world church. Along with all other religions, which do not spring from the Truth, they will scoff and sneer at the children of God, who will remain true to the Word of God. The True Church will become a Remnant and this Army will unite throughout the world to become the latter-day saints and they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to sustain the Truth. They will be spat at; laughed at and accused of being radicals, just as my Son, Jesus Christ, was accused of heresy when He walked the Earth to preach the Truth. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/mother-of.../ Friday, June 6th, 2014 @ 23:15 The figure one will be used as a symbol in the new book and people will wear badges, in order to publicly declare their allegiance to this one-world alliance. All will be ready, so that when the antichrist rises, the book will be seen to play a part in his dictatorship. The book will endorse every false doctrine; every falsity in the Eyes of God; untruths and a dangerous philosophy, which will lead all those who accept its contents into grave error. People’s ability to discern right from wrong will be weakened because of it. Their morality will be called into question and paganism, disguised as a religion that welcomes all, will be cunningly woven into every paragraph. Many people will want to buy this book, because it will be declared to be such an astonishing breakthrough in the world of politics. It will become a book, which promotes a form of communism, but it will be seen as something with a unique spirituality, which will touch the hearts of many. It will be everything that is the opposite to the True Word of God. It will be a book, which sets out to evangelise the world into believing in the importance of humanism. It will glorify mankind; man’s intelligence; man’s progress; man’s great scientific strength and the importance of controlling all countries in the same way. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/mother-of.../ Friday, April 18th, 2014 @ 23:24 As and from this year, My Crosses will begin to disappear and while My Churches, and those who say they serve Me, talk about the importance of humanism, you will not hear talk of the importance of surrendering to Me, Jesus Christ, your Saviour. You, therefore, will not be prepared for Eternal Salvation. The importance of following My path to My Father will not be mentioned, nor will the importance of the Holy Sacraments be discussed. Instead, you will be told of the importance of looking after the needs and welfare of others, which will be used as a substitute for adoring Me. I Am the Church. My Body is My Church, but in time, I will be brushed completely to one side. Your heads will be filled with untruths. You will be told of every type of path, which is needed to bring you closer to God. But every path you will be told to walk down will be in the opposite direction. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/there-is-only-one.../ Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 @ 23:00 How it pains Me to see so many people accept the false humility, which lies behind the humanism, which is so favoured by those in My Church. My Role as Saviour and Redeemer of the human race has now been forgotten. The false humility, within My Church, will continue to be witnessed and all will applaud those who promote the need to look after material welfare of those in need. All this will result in a false religion. When did you, who call yourselves servants of God, decide to replace the True Word of God with your own flawed interpretation of it? When did you decide to replace Christianity with humanism, where no mention is made of Me? Don’t you know that nothing comes from that which does not come from God? How little you have learned and how foolish you are if you believe that your so-called good works – in concentrating on material welfare – can ever replace the Truth. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/you-cannot-impart.../ Saturday, November 9th, 2013 @ 11:48 The Church will embrace so-called new scientific discoveries, which will discredit what is contained in the Holy Bible. They will reveal what they say will be new evidence, which casts doubt as to how the world was created. They will then say that much of what is contained in the Bible are simply metaphors designed to create peace amongst men. They will use the message of humanism, love of one another, in terms of your ability to look after the poor, uneducated and needy, as a substitute for the Truth you were given in the Gospels. Then, the false new doctrines which will seem similar to the Truth, will be embraced by priests, and only those who remain firm to My Word will keep the Truth alive. My beloved followers, when you find that very few will listen anymore to the Truth – the Word of God – then you must comfort each other. You must continue to remind those in My Churches, who will applaud the heresies, which will be introduced, of the Truth for many of them will be none the wiser. So far will they fall away from Me, that they will readily accept such changes. It will be much easier for those with little faith to accept the word of those who demand reformation, than to remain true to the Word of God. The call for the first changes will be made soon. With a sweetness that will soothe and passionate talk about the need to rise up as one united world – to show love and tolerance for all – you will be led into the greatest error. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/many-will-soon.../ Monday, June 3rd, 2013 @ 21:50 Paganism is growing very quickly and is embraced as a new popular culture, an alternative to the belief in the One True God. It takes many forms. Most importantly, it will be presented as being harmless fun for those who dabble in new age practices and as being an important part of personal development – a form of humanism and love of self. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/your-pagan.../ Sunday, May 19th, 2013 @ 20:08 Paganism will thrive. But because it will be influenced and led by the evil one, it will be careful not to show its true colours. It will be presented to the world as a new form of social justice – a new form of humanism, when all the needs of man are catered for. These needs will include the right to sin, but these sins will, in defiance of God, be seen to be the moral rights of man. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/and-then-just-as.../ Friday, March 29th, 2013 @ 19:00 Showing concern for the needs of fellow human beings is admirable. But when you promote the physical well-being of the needs of man over their spiritual needs it is not I, Jesus Christ, you follow. Humanism is not Christianity. To be Christian means surrendering all to Me, abandoning yourself in full humility at My Feet. It means allowing Me to guide you. It means obedience to My Laws and doing all that you can to show the example of My Love for you all. Today I was betrayed. Read Full Message here: thewarningsecondcoming/not-at-my-feet.../
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:16:27 +0000

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