Dear Friends in Yoga Well, here it is, summer of 2013. Three years - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends in Yoga Well, here it is, summer of 2013. Three years (and a few months) since we started practicing together at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center. I don’t remember the details, but I know I was nervous. And I know that we started out small. But the warmth in which I was received helped me overcome nerves pretty quickly. And it didn’t take very long before we grew from a dozen people, to 20 to 40 or more. Thank you all for sticking with this and making this community yoga such a joy. My original vision for Yoga Neighborhood was to create a yoga program that could be duplicated in many different settings, small and large groups, so that anyone of any age, fitness level or income could practice together in a safe, supportive environment. The surprise for me is that the vision is actually becoming a reality. Over the years I’ve added classes in Cotuit, Mashpee and Falmouth, each one attracting a broad cross section of the community. It’s been thrilling. I also envisioned that other teachers would be leading classes and never imagined that I’d be leading all these classes on my own. This is where the disconnect came in. I was so busy teaching (not to mention being involved with my only family) that, besides calling upon yoga friends in emergencies, I never got around to recruiting other yoga instructors for the program. So for most of the last few years, Yoga Neighborhood was stalled in a good place, but in a not very sustainable place. When I lost my voice this winter, I realized that Yoga Neighborhood could no longer be a one-woman show. I’m proud to announce that a few changes are in the works that will help Yoga Neighborhood be the kind of program that is not only good but sustainable. We now have a coalition of certified, experienced yoga instructors who, after receiving Yoga Neighborhood training from me, will begin leading some of our classes. Additionally we are adding new classes, with an emphasis on creating programs for specific populations, including underserved kids, teens, veterans, people with Parkinson’s, and more. Lastly, I am in the process of establishing Yoga Neighborhood as a nonprofit organization. It is essential that Yoga Neighborhood classes are offered free, whenever possible, or on a free-will offering basis. The ability to raise money to support our classes, through donations, grants and membership, will allow us to make yoga truly accessible to everyone in our community. Thank you for your support whether you’ve been part of the Neighborhood since the beginning or only recently found us. And stay tunedd stay tunedd stay tuned for news as it happens. I think it will be an exciting time for us all. Namaste, Gin
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 21:47:49 +0000

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