Dear Friends...there was a piece on Bhutanomics about me which was - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends...there was a piece on Bhutanomics about me which was completely twisted to suit themselves and their agenda and I posted a response, which i shall copy-paste here. Those of you who know me know me for what I am. Please share my post............. I spent the whole afternoon and last night clarifying to and pacifying my family, friends and well-wishers who had read this piece much before I had even had an inkling of it and were deeply disturbed and pained by it. I just managed to read it fully with all the comments and must admit i had never ever read anything more bizarre, malicious and defamatory. Although for an innocent bystander like me this is nothing short of public lynching I would like to ignore everything else and straighten out a few facts. 1. Allegation that I, together with Tenzin Rigden, was involved in hand-picking people to go into an “outburst of emotion” at the meeting. I have absolutely no association or responsibility (as accused) in the organization of the meeting and what transpired therein. I do not know any of the speakers and indeed saw all of them for the first time in the meeting. This was a public meeting and the speakers presented themselves in front of the entire gathering there. Moreover what they said and their identities are captured on camera and those who wish to know the truth can ascertain directly from the speakers themselves whether I had any hand in “coaching” them. 2. My engagement with DPT is purely professional and I was at the meeting for a professional engagement. I was recruited by Mr. Rigden to make video and radio ads for the party and also to film all the meetings of the party. I was there with my three-member technical team to film the proceedings. I have dedicated more than a decade to filmmaking and this is what I do for a living. 3. As alleged by someone in the ensuing comments I did not receive a single chhetrum from MoE to produce my film, “Thank You, Sir”. This can be verified with MoE. It is true that I was Thakur Singh Powdyel’s student in Sherubtse College and extraordinary teachers like him and many others that I had the good fortune to study under inspired me to make the film. The film, the costliest local production ever, was made with our own hard-earned money and institutional and other private loans. Although the returns on the film, given the general economic downturn which gravely afflicted the film industry, are absolutely peanuts compared to what we spent, we work literally round-the-clock to ensure that our loan and repayment obligations are met. The payment that we received from DPT dearly helped us in this. 4. Request to Bhutanomics…please, please, please…do not paint everyone with your unilateral and summary brushstroke and do not dispense such barbaric justice, particularly to those who are minding their own business and simply trying to earn an honest living. 5. As to the very personal attacks from some commentators…PERIOD. I trust that readers will exercise their own judgment in sifting the truth from vitriol, falsehood and cheap defamation.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 03:03:51 +0000

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