Dear Grandchild, Your dad will likely homeschool you. One day - TopicsExpress


Dear Grandchild, Your dad will likely homeschool you. One day you will do too much math and suddenly become unable to think. Your dad wiil become irritated. Show him this: After two hours of math review his brain packed up, stomped out of his skull, and that was the last we saw of it today. Me: And you committed a math sin. You moved the equals sign. This here is not the same as this here. Same symbols totally different meaning. This is a government move. YS (13): But. Zero plus anything equals zero. Me: (No idea how this might be relevant in any way but this is too good to leave alone.) Oh, really? How exciting! So if I have zero gummy bears and you give me two gummy bears I still have no gummy bears? Zero is like a black hole? YS: Stop proving me wrong! Its...I need to do something else. Its anything plus zero equals zero! Me: Really? Fascinating! Explain this to me. YS: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarg! Walks out to lawn mower, cranks it up, and starts mowing the yard.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:36:54 +0000

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