Dear Humans Why are we letting Miley Cyrus be so important? Like - TopicsExpress


Dear Humans Why are we letting Miley Cyrus be so important? Like what does a narcissistic and materialistic teen have to do with anything?! Oh… right. I was going to ask if you’ve heard much about the growing radiation and pollution in our oceans n’ sky recently, ooorrrrrr maybe the diminishing biodiversity and resources of Earth, or the growing gap between the rich and the poor or maybe even the couple billion living in poverty.. I’d love to know what you think about alternate forms of social arrangement or what you thought about those glow in the dark fish living within the space-like abyss of our ocean, or how will our laws and ethics stand the test of science and progress or how we can possibly sustain our collective life here on Earth… but when Gangam Style has more views than every TED-talk in history and Miley is prioritised 150million views in the same month as Syrian children are chemically attacked, I get the impression these people are just a liiiittle more important to you guys? Is she really more important or interesting than the fact our generation may see us inhabit other planets..?! Or is that a little too sci-fi.. okay then how about levitation, what do you think about that? It’s only possible with small magnetic fields but all you’ve got to look at is the rapid progress and influence of games and phones to realise how fast our technology and culture is developing, even within our short, wonderfully insignificant lives.. freaky right? Mores law! Thinking about technology and culture; we’re increasingly connected so why are we not communicating?! If Darwin said our successful evolution was due to pro-social behaviour just as much as it was survival of the fittest, why is the global economy so competitive?! What about designing cities and even cultures, who’s function and architecture are sustainable, healthy, aesthetic and progressive?! Wait that’s probably a little idealistic or utopian right? Yeah let’s reduce a scientifically possible future to one dismissive word. So I guess Miley will be getting a bit of money from what she’s doing.. so what’s you’re take on the growing plutocrats, the super rich and thus super powerful? You know, like the 7 people who have a GDP more than that of the 257 poorest countries. I mean I thought the age of kings and queens is perceived as history? A little ironic right? ‘History’ repeating itself - I bet Hitler’s face palming over this: we’ve got our genome sussed which will lead to preventing or causing undesirable or desirable genes, what if future parents are like: “I want a girl, semi-athletic with a flare for music and acting with blue eyes and engineered to be more resistance to disease and quicker at learning..” What’re the ethics man?! That’s got to be more important and interesting than Miley right? This is all more important than being a materialistic and narcissistic teen right? Right?! 150million reactions to Miley in a month, compared to how many reactions about these ideas? Millions of conversations about Miley compared to how many conversations about these ideas?! Is it a just me or are we a little bit distracted here? Us hominids can move things with the sounds of our brain, we can print houses, body parts, clothes and meat, no seriously.. print. I mean not huge scale production kinda shit, not like the planned-to-be-obsolete-for-economic-gain-lightbulbs kinda scale or our outdated-next-year-iPhones kinda scale.. but still, all it takes is time and money for it become ‘normal’ yeah? I mean every now and then time and money get in the way of each-other but balance is always there for the taking eh! What? You still think Miley is more interesting? I don’t want to wish for your execution just yet so c’mon, give me your thoughts on glow-in-the-dark roses: a scientifically elegant aaaand romantic gift, or better yet, a pretty, sustainable and moneyless form of light. And hey, if ‘future-dude’ had a girl who wasn’t biochemically wired to like flowers he could just get her a glow-in-the-dark bunny! Talking about animal abuse and genetic engineering reckon we could discuss the millions of agrarian animals who’s quality and purpose of life has been reduced to that of batteries to power the obese lives of the mechanical, selfish human beings through a desperate and pathetic attempt at sustaining a broken, parasitic and outdated system of social organisation?!?! Hey if you want to talk about sociocultural economic inefficiency lets talk jobs! You’re probably getting, got or want a job right? Well machines are taking them pretty fast, and so they should don’t you think? They’re more productive and less expensive. So! .. Where does all this leave us? .. Where does all this leave me? .. Where does all this leave you? Please tell me you’ve thought about this more than Miley this week.. Please show me this is more important than Miley… Humans please :( It seems we have let her scripted tears be worth more money than the billions in poverty, but let’s not let them be worth more thought. Your sincerely, a concerned organism.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 04:38:30 +0000

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