Dear Keith, I am writing because we need your help. This week, - TopicsExpress


Dear Keith, I am writing because we need your help. This week, Congress votes on H.R.5, the Student Success Act, a bill to reauthorize our nation’s primary federal education law, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Amazingly, this is the first time that all members of either the House or the Senate will vote on an education bill since No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was passed in 2001. NCLB Put a Spotlight on Students With Learning Disabilities Although NCLB is outdated, the law put a spotlight on struggling students, especially children with learning difficulties or disabilities. NCLB set reading and math targets and graduation goals and required schools to provide intervention and support for any student not meeting those goals. Because of NCLB, if your child wasn’t achieving, your child had access to services and supports. Schools were also limited in counting students as making progress on the alternate assessments on alternate standards (tests that can take students out of the regular curriculum and off track for a regular diploma). Because of these requirements and protections, many more students with learning disabilities are achieving at grade level and are graduating from high school with regular diplomas. H.R.5 is Not the Answer for Students With Learning Disabilities Everyone agrees we need to fix NCLB, but rather than change the parts of the law that aren’t working, H.R.5 takes away accountability. As a result, schools, districts and states won’t be required to do anything for our most vulnerable and disadvantaged students. If this occurs, many students would be taken off of the graduation track as early as third grade and may not receive a regular diploma. It also means that students who struggle to read or do grade level math won’t have access to the targeted instruction and intervention they need to achieve their full potential. NCLD needs you to speak up for our children in Washington, DC. Join with us and tell Congress to vote NO on H.R.5. Sincerely, James H. Wendorf Executive Director The National Center for Learning Disabilities P.S. You can act on this alert even if you did so before, because H.R.5 is now headed for a full vote in Congress. Make a bigger impact on Congress by forwarding this message or sharing it on Facebook and Twitter. 381 Park Avenue South, Suite 1401 | New York, NY 10016 Ph: 212.545.7510 | Fax: 212.545.9665 | Toll-free: 888.575.7373 National Center for Learning Disabilities © 2012 All rights reserved. NCLD is listed by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts made to NCLD are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Unsubscribe | Forward to a Friend | Donate | Free Newsletters nonprofit software
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 15:19:59 +0000

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