Dear Liberals, Before you start throwing around the term Marxism - TopicsExpress


Dear Liberals, Before you start throwing around the term Marxism as a slur against socialists, revealing the many reactionary tendencies you share with the conservatives you feel so superior too, how about you actually read the dude? You can read a lot of his material for free on the internet, and Ill happily direct you to to do so. I will not, however, become your philosophy professor and take it upon myself to educate you in a complex philosophy you apparently have no interest in actually understanding, especially when its one Im still working on myself. I have a family to raise, a job to be at, and a million other things to do, since I actually have to do things and cant spend all my time looking down my nose at people from the economic security of my suburban or dorm room fiefdom. If I had a dollar for every liberal and conservative opponent of mine who was a self proclaimed expert on Marxism because they read the Communist Manifesto in high school and barely remember any of it, I wouldnt have to work anymore since I would have a lot more to sell than just my labor power. With exhausted and exasperated disdain, Travis.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 06:22:26 +0000

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