Dear Members, I understand that everyone is working hard to get - TopicsExpress


Dear Members, I understand that everyone is working hard to get the message out and I respect the effort thats been shown by everyone. In this last week before the referendum I hope that the posts we see will be the same high standard that weve seen in the past. The reason I mention this is that the number of posts being sent to me for approval has grown exponentially, and where I recognise that everyone has a right to have their say, its just not possible to put every post on the page. Its like a political meeting where say, one man or woman has something vital to add which may change perceptions and no one hears them because everyone is on transmit at the same time trying to have their say. Thats whats happening right now on this group page and where we as admins have control over whats added to the page it feels awful having to delete so many posts that may have been the product of hours of work. If we just let every post onto the page, any decent and profound posts drop down so fast that theyre lost before people get to see them, thats one of the set backs of facebook, just imagine what happens when you press the button on a one arm bandit, the symbols rotate quickly in front of your eyes and in essence thats what would happen and no one would have a proper say. There are posts that are automatically taken out of consideration for posting to the group and just so you know, here they are;- 1. Anything that isnt related to the independence issues. Except in exceptional circumstances. 2. A poem, song or artistic graphic, these are sometimes very beautiful but at this stage on the last week before the referendum, we need to stay on message discussing the real in your face issues. 3. Any post containing colourful language. We do this because we know we have an audience made up partly of viewers who dont comment and where some people may think that such language adds emphasis, it only offends others. Find other language to press your point please. If a really good point is made which contains such language, the admin dealing with it has to PM the author to ask that they edit it before inclusion. All that takes precious time we havent got. 4. Posts that highlight an anti-Scottish slant by others on the British Isles. Those kind of people exist everywhere and to advertise the thoughts and feelings of those people only seek to inflame and dont actually add anything of substance to the national conversation. 5. Duplicated Posts. The trick right now (if you could call it that) is to bring things to our table that answer the questions that soft nos and undecided voters may have. The list of issues may include;- Actual Oil Wealth. More powers if no vote. Currency union or our own currency. Pensions and social welfare. EU membership. Scotlands future economy in relation to what it is now. That list isnt exhaustive of course and one day in politics is a long time as they say. Help us on the admin team to get the best of whats out there in front of you. Weve done our very best for you so far and were now working even harder to keep whats on the page relevant and helpful in whats become a very busy time for all of us. Just have a wee think before posting something that might be nice but doesnt really progress things. Im sure the majority of you will consider what Ive said and agree, however, we know that we cant please all of the people all of the time. Ho-hum. Kindest regards, David Milligan Lvss (for and on behalf of the SBYND Admin Team)
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:20:03 +0000

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