Dear Mr Cameron, perhaps if you hadnt spent the last 35 years - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr Cameron, perhaps if you hadnt spent the last 35 years treating the Scots as the poor relative of Britain whilst bleeding us dry by giving us back a lot less than you took, pushing many areas into abject poverty, we might have felt part of the family of which you speak. Coming here today is a last-ditch and incredibly desperate move. Independence is a leap into the dark as you say, but it is a considerably more hopeful prospect than the definite darkness we are offered by staying in your Union. Suddenly flying the Saltire above 10 Downing Street after denying us the right to at OUR Commonwealth games (which your BBC did their best to report in as non-Scottish fashion as possible) is quite frankly pathetic. The only clarity the Better Together campaign has offered us is the clarity that things will not get any better if we stay. You will ruin our country with fracking, and demolish our NHS in an incredibly devious manner, cutting our funding to the extent that we will no longer be able to financially support it. So, come to Scotland. Give your wee speech in whichever hidey-hole you choose, with an audience hand-picked by your team no doubt, to hang onto your every word. We would have more respect for you if you visited some of the areas you and your policies have devastated. We hope that some true representatives of how Scotland feel manage to sneak in and tell you the stark truth: We dont care what you, Milliband or Clegg have to say. While you have stayed at Westminster, smugly assuming you have it in the bag and we are going to do as were told, we Scots have been educating ourselves. We know what absolute bullsh*t your Better Together campaign has insulted our intelligence with. When you are finished your wee speech, do us a favour. LEAVE. And dont come back. ~ Lesley
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:17:47 +0000

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