Dear Mr Right, None of us were created to be alone, we thrive - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr Right, None of us were created to be alone, we thrive off of love and relationship, so I think it’d be mutually beneficial for us to find each other quickly. The truth is, and this is where most girls won’t admit it, I need you as much as you need me. I ask God daily for direction and confirmation. God’s the only one with the big picture. I know that there are wonderful things out there for us to discover together, God will reveal them to each of us in time. There IS a reason we’re still not together. Logically it’s because we haven’t met… or if we have, we haven’t gotten to know each other. You’re not the only one without a line of ducks, I think some of mine might actually be geese, in which case, I have to get rid of them. I agree with you wholeheartedly about the right man and the wrong time. The same can be said for women. And truthfully, God’s been dealing with me on issues that would only bring our relationship down. I struggle with the idea of being forgiven without cause, and I need to learn to be more accepting of grace. Until I am, please don’t give up on me. Truthfully, the reason we’re not together is that I’ve asked God to hold off on our introduction until I’m ready to be the woman you deserve. I have some of the same fears. Trust me, nothing’s scarier for a women than to think that she’ll be head over heels in love one, while you look on in disdain. I want you to get lightheaded when I walk into a room, and I want to melt at your smile. Don’t be afraid, you can never ask too much of God. Nothing is beyond His capacity. The very reason you feel like I should be these things for you, is because God has created a desire in you specifically for me and only me, who will be these things, and you won’t be happy with any other girl. And believe me, I’m far from perfect. My heart aches at the very thought of you getting me. I’m the undeserving one. It’s not fair that someone with a past like mine gets coupled with the man of her dreams. But the beauty of grace, is that it makes life not fair. I AM waiting for you, and I’m waiting for God to deem the time right for us to meet. The fact that I know you’re out there doing the same, only strengthens me further. Love is not a feeling or emotion that coincides with “Happily Ever After”, it’s a choice. And I’ve decided to love you unconditionally into eternity. Admittedly, a good appearance is nice, but appearances can be deceiving. Don’t worry about it; be yourself. My eyes were made with you in mind, so I’d say you have an advantage over other men. Your imperfections are what make you you, and I can put you just as easily on my screensaver or wall, as any of those other men. And the best part is, then I’ll have the real thing right by my side to keep me warm. Good luck with the cover snatching, you’ll need it. (lol) While there are a lot of handsome men out there, there’s only one for me. I would never settle for someone I could live with, and you shouldn’t either. Where’s the fun in that? I’m the one you could never imagine life without. I’m the girl you might notice at first, but only in that, vague sort of way, but if you got to know me, you’d find a soul that yearns after God, and that’s what will help you understand the plan God has laid out for the both of us. If I only saw beauty from the world’s perspective, I’d be a rather lonely individual, wouldn’t I? There is none more beautiful than a beautiful soul. I can’t wait to be captivated by you. I’d take on all the pain the world could throw at you, and you’d be the heaven that helped me bare it. Your point is valid, however, I find it ironic that you were the one to initiate this conversation, to which I am responding. I have difficulty knowing who to respond to, I guess my biggest fear is accidentally getting in too deep with someone that’s not you. I have been hurt and rejected, and mostly because I’ve pursued… In fact, most of the stupid things I’ve done have come from “the hunt.” Maybe I should learn to do less shooting and more tracking. I can’t just fire into the crowds and hope for a hit. God has directed me on how to set my sights to find you. And you’ll be my husband. I’ll have you know, if you think I’d get married for the sake of getting married, maybe it’s you that’s looking in the wrong places. Marriage is a commitment for life, and that’s a commitment I’d be miserable to make to anyone but you. That and I want to hand you my extra rib. I’ll tell you what, my rib for the covers, sound like a deal? There is no one I’d rather build my life with. We’ll have our pitfalls, but we’ll also have our mountain tops, and there’s no one I’d rather share my adventure with because I know that there’s no way I can grow to be the woman God wants me to be without you by my side. God’s time is His own. I’ll wait for you until I die, but I trust God to make sure it doesn’t take that long. Don’t settle for Miss Sorta Charming, because trust me, when you meet me, she isnt going to look that great. lol. I know not what form you’ll take, but I know you’ll be the man God’s formed for me. I know you will have honesty, faith, tenderness, and a pure heart: each a beauty in and of its own. Even one of these is worth waiting an eternity for. I’ve loved you as long as you have me, and for the same reason. Don’t give up waiting for me, I’m waiting for you. When we do finally meet, you can be sure God will have orchestrated it to bring out the both in best of us and to glorify Him in the greatest means possible. God’s been moving in both of our lives, and He’s been moving us together. It’s only a matter of time before that finally happens. Forever Yours Ms Right P.S. That girl you were talking about last week, the one that was at the bar? Yeah, probably not me. lol
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:17:54 +0000

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