Dear Mr. Wilson, I have just read an article from the BBC which - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. Wilson, I have just read an article from the BBC which States that you are keen to use fracking in Northern Ireland as it will be more profitable, bring cheaper gas and create more jobs than would using wind energy as suggested by the anti growth, anti development group of green romantics. Now please correct me if I am wrong but I thought any gas would go into the European market and prices will not change. Also most jobs in fracking are quite technical so in the USA experts are usually brought with the company to carry it out. Then as for profits I am confused as investments in green energy are returning at least 7% in crowd funded projects whereas all fracking firms in the USA are in debt. Start up costs are high, wells have a short profitable life of 1-2 years, and then more have to be drilled. 8 per square mile in fact leading to hundreds of thousands. Around drill sites you are probably aware that air pollution say of volatile organic compounds is 27 times safety levels. There are at present 284 proven cases of water pollution in Pennsylvania alone, and this week $3million had to be paid to only one family due to the harm suffered to their health and livelihood. Thats an awful lot of harm and compensation in Britain where we are 20 times more densely populated. Also if you have a house near a drill site as a lady in the Fylde, her house value has gone from £725,000 to a value of £199,000 although 2 estate agents told her that it would never sell. At Barton Moss there is not even house insurance, companies refuse to sell it due to the risks of earthquakes as seen in Blackpool 3 years ago. Well I could write a very long letter which will no doubt slip me into your personal out group above. I am assuming you also deny climate change, as methane leakage from all wells eventually, old and discarded as well as the 6% that fail on first frack, drives up earths temperature 86 times faster than carbon. I assure you all my figures come from scientifically validated research. I write as I do not want Britain to suffer as 15 million people now do living within 1 km of a well in the USA with 30% greater newborn abnormalities, cancers etc You may choose not to hear my words if you like, but as now 76% in the latest poll in Britain shows, most other people who have done a little research into the threat of fracking in their area, have chosen to say this is not safe, not sustainable, not securing the future I want to create for myself, my children, or my grandchildren. Thanks for listening, Julia Owen
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:18:02 +0000

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