Dear Owners of Shittypoos,Malteserpoos,Labramongrels and anything - TopicsExpress


Dear Owners of Shittypoos,Malteserpoos,Labramongrels and anything else crossed with a Poodle. I want to preface this letter by telling you what a huge dog lover I am. Any breed, any size, any color, any age...I love them all. So please dont take the following as mean or personal. As a professional groomer, there are a few things I need to say to you. In part just to get it off my chest, but perhaps you will even learn something that makes your association with professional groomers easier in the future. First of all...lets address the obvious. Your dog is NOT a breed...your dog is a mutt. There is nothing wrong with being a mutt. I own several and I am just as proud of my mixed breed kids as my pure bred kids. I know you want to justify the money you spent buying a mixed breed dog, but I tend to call a spade a spade....your dog is a mutt. Secondly, I dont care what the breeder told cannot possibly be stupid enough to believe that a mixed poodle breed only needs grooming yearly. Do you only get your childs hair cut once a year? If you do choose the once a year grooming schedule, please keep your mouth shut when your professional groomer has to shave your dog down as smooth as a cue ball. Im sure the breeder told you that we have a magic formula that gets matts out....but that was a lie too. does cost you to have your labramongrel groomed by a professional. Why, you ask? Well, you made a conscious decision to purchase a genetic disaster! Not only did you buy a mixed breed dog, you bought one that combines hair with fur....that equals a grooming nightmare. More often than not, this particular mixed breed is high energy, is not well behaved (especially if you chose the once a year schedule), and is a neurotic nightmare. You my friend, will pay through the nose for my time and skill. Lastly, do NOT walk into my salon and proceed to tell me that you have papers. I once sent a photo of a goat in with a registration application to UKC and told them it was a rare herding breed...they sent my papers out within a month. Yes....I registered a goat with the same people who gave you papers. Like I said, please dont take this personally. I love all dogs.... You are the one I cant stand. Sincerely, Every Groomer That Has to Deal With Your Ignorance
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:11:55 +0000

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