Dear Parents, Your feedback/ complaints/ opinion, - TopicsExpress


Dear Parents, Your feedback/ complaints/ opinion, etc., are valued a lot and, for the same reason, we try to reach out to you as and when possible. Towards the same end, we plan the House Visits every year so as to know our grey areas and to rectify them at the earliest. The review of the complaints/ feedback/comments/suggestions of House Visits-July ’13 was conducted in a meeting held by the Correspondent with the Executives and Teachers on 19th July, ’13 at Slate –Abids (High School Wing). Following is the update for your information please. 1. • Teachers concentrate more on smart/ bright children. They do not give opportunity to others. • Doubts in Math are not cleared even though child keeps on asking the teacher. * • This notion is not true as teachers concentrate equally on all children alike. Every child at Slate is given equal exposure and opportunity to showcase his / her talents. • Children are always encouraged to ask and get their doubts clarified. • Teachers were once again instructed to encourage children to ask doubts and clarify the same. 2. • The child doesn’t make a note of HW in diary • He /she doesn’t have lunch. • There are no pictures of the child on Face Book or in the Hand Book. * Thank you for your feedback. • The Class Teachers have been instructed once again to check the diaries of the students (though they do it every day as it is mandatory). • We take photographs of every event at school and try to click the picture of children at random. • However. Posting every child’s photo on Facebook is a little difficult. • However, your complaint has been made a note of. 3. Teacher made the child stand for the whole period for not bringing the CW. * Punishment of any sort is banned at Slate. However, the children can be asked to stand for a while in the class, near the teacher’s desk or at the back of the class. In this case, the teacher in question was cautioned. Thank you for your feedback. 4. Remedial classes to be taken up. * Remedial / Special classes are taken up as and when required depending on the convenience of the students and the teacher’s plan for the class. 5. • Telugu language teacher is requested to write a note in the book or Student’s Diary in English and not in Telugu. • Child should be encouraged to participate in Assembly as she / he has stage fear and doesn’t come forward. * • Language teachers were instructed to write the Diary note in English to the extent possible. • The Class Teacher will surely motivate the child to be more participative. 6. • The child has hearing problem. • The child should be encouraged to have lunch properly. * • This is a child specific problem and the Class Teacher has been informed to change the child’s place so as to aid the child in better understanding of the concepts being taught. • During the Lunch Break, the Class Teachers have lunch in the classroom and also ensure that all the children have lunch. They also check the boxes of the students at random. • However, kindly note that we never force children to finish their lunch. • You are also requested to pack the food in the lunch box according to the appetite of the child. 7. • The child was earlier was in the U.S. and is not ready to come to school as he / she not getting enough appreciation. • Maths teacher is very strict. * • The Class Teacher and the Life Skills Executive will definitely counsel the child. • Every act of a child whether small or large is appreciated. • We have the concept of awarding ‘CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION’ for the same. • The Mathematics teacher was cautioned about the same. 8. • Child sits on last bench, has the problem with vision. • He / she doesn’t wear spectacles for the fear of being teased by others in the class. * • The Class Teacher has been instructed to change the child’s place to the front bench. • The child and the class will be counselled by the Life Skills Executive. 9. The parent has requested not to force the child to dance as it is not allowed at home. Once, he was slapped by the teacher for not dancing. * Special care is taken to ensure that no child who is not allowed at home to participate in the Co-Curricular Activities. Thank you for your feedback. 10. Few co-curricular activities to be cut down to have more time for academics. * All the Co-Curricular Activities are planned in such a way that they don’t act as a hindrance to Academics at all. Ample time is provided to academics and they are in no way sidelined due to the activities. 11. • Van mother to be put up in the van. • Encourage children to read newspapers. * • 50% of the vans have Van mothers and the others have Van boys, it is not possible to have a van mother in every van. • We have tied up with TIMES OF INDIA for the NIE Programme; this is being done in order to encourage children to read newspapers every day. 12. • English Language teacher had slapped the child. • Child should not be pressurized as he is suffering from dry cough. * • Thank you for your feedback. The teacher in question was cautioned. • Enough care is always taken to take care of a child in case we are informed that the child is sick. 13. • The child is very good at academics. • Extra work should be given to the child. • The child feels that children in the APPLE sections are better than him. This notion should be cleared. • Inter school debates should be taken up. * • For every class, the Homework / Class work is planned as per the level of the students and never with an aim to over burden the children. • If a child feels he/ she can do much more than the work assigned, then the child can definitely approach the teachers for guidance. • Every child is unique in his / her own way, the child will surely be motivated not to feel inferior to anybody and we anticipate the same from the home front too. • Slaters are always encouraged to participate in various inter school competitions. Photographs of the same are uploaded on Facebook quite frequently. 14. Parents had enquired why are poems included in Telugu, even though it is II Language. * We totally agree with this query and empathise with the children being burdened to learn a language that is not their mother tongue, however, this syllabus is prescribed by the State Board and we are forced to follow the same. 15. Washrooms are not clean. * • Wash rooms are cleaned very frequently. • During the short break / lunch break, almost all the children tend to use the wash room. Moreover, as children walk with the shoes on the wet floor, it appears dirty with the foot prints of children. 16. There are correction errors in Telugu. * • Teachers have been informed to follow a certain pattern while giving notes and correcting them so as to avoid such oversights. • (These points are mentioned in the Handbook Pg. No: 81 & 82 ) However, parents are requested to understand that there could at times be few over sights due to human error but rest assured these are really marginal. 17. Children should be asked to read some constructive books instead of electronics or fiction books. * Thank you for your feedback. Teachers always encourage children to read varied books ranging from fiction to science and technology, etc.., however, we believe in letting the children choose the book/books of their choice. 18. • Parents requested not to discourage their child. • He makes mistakes while writing answers. * • Thank you for your feedback. All the teachers have once again been instructed to positively motivate and counsel children. • The teachers have also been informed to be vigilant while giving notes in the class to ensure to the maximum possible extent that children commit minimal errors while taking down notes form the board. • Please refer to Handbook Pg No.80 for more clarity on the way notes are given in the classroom. 19. Telugu must be explained in Hindi / English. * • All the new words and literary phrases are explained in English to the extent possible. • Parents are requested to note that if the entire text is taught in another language, then children will never been drawn towards appreciating Telugu as a language. • Moreover, it is highly difficult to find a language teacher who is proficient in teaching by translating the text into Hindi/ English. 20. Leisure hour to be there in time table so that children can complete their incomplete work or do any work in which they are interested. * • A very good suggestion indeed, but with our given schedules we might not be able to incorporate the same. • Hobby classes have been chalked out for children to take up an activity that they are interested in. 21. Telugu teacher not serious, Class is always noisy. Corrections in Telugu not perfect. Child doesn’t understand Telugu * Thank you for your feedback. The teacher in question has been cautioned. 22. Unable to follow Hindi / Telugu. Maths teacher’s voice is not audible. * Thank you for your feedback. The teachers in question have been cautioned. 23. School to start special classes for Maths and Physical Science after school hours for every child starting form Class 8. * • Special classes are taken up when required. • Extra classes in Physics and Maths are taken up atleast once a term depending upon the need to ensure that the concepts taught are clear to all the children. 24. English 100 pages book was given in the book list but teacher asked to bring 200 pages. * Thank you for your feedback, the Teacher in question was informed and cautioned about the same. 25. Plan for small trips; 2 to 3 days. While going for hobby class / Special class, he is missing his regular class. * • It is a good suggestion and we have already tried it, but not many children came forward for the trip. • The Hobby Class is a part of the regular Time Table and in no way acts as a hindrance to the academics. • With regard to the Specialized Coaching for Sports, it has already been informed that it is optional and the parents can choose to drop out if they feel the child is missing out a lot on academics. 26. Mistake in English Annual Answer sheet in total marks. * • It is practice at Slate is that the teachers cross check the marks with the children before they are posted in the Report cards. • This being the Annual Examination, it wasn’t possible. • The same could have been rectified if it was brought to our notice. 27. Child was absent for 15 days but there was no call from the school to enquire about his absence. * The Class Teacher did make a call after noticing the child’s absence for a week however nobody responded to her call. 28. Children should be taught to respect their siblings. * Life Skills education is essentially towards developing care, compassion and respect to all fellow beings. 29. Mother requests for sprouts and biscuits to be included in evening snacks. * Thank you for your feedback. We will soon be introducing sprouts in the Menu. 30. Every day test to be conducted for Class X. * • Tests are conducted periodically in all the subjects to ensure clarity in the concepts taught. • The process of everyday tests in the form of Cycle Tests will begin from the month of December. 31. Doesn’t get SMS whenever holiday is declared. * Parents are requested to refer to Pg. 11 (F.A.Qs. Point-5) of the Hand Book for more clarity. 32. Lockers should be provided. The bag is heavy. * • Given the number of sections providing lockers to the students is practically not possible. • Teachers frequently check the bags of the students to ensure that they don’t carry any unnecessary books / articles not pertaining to school. 33. Last year when the child approached Social teacher with some doubt on Telangana issue, the teacher remarked, “Are you trying to be over smart?” instead of clarifying. * Thank you for your feedback. The teacher in question has been cautioned. 34. Disturbance in class when primary children play in the ground. * We agree that there is a little disturbance, but this is only periodic and will soon be rectified when our new ground is ready. 35. Solutions for problems in Maths not given clearly. * Thank you for your feedback. The teacher was informed to teach all the steps involved in solving a particular problem and not to follow the shortcut methods. 36. Solutions for problems in Maths not given clearly. * • Thank you for your feedback. • The teacher was informed to teach all the steps involved in solving a particular problem and not to follow the shortcut methods. 37. • During the Unit Tests, a lot of HW is given. • Daily routine should not be mentioned in daily dairy. • Only 2 hours for internet per week. • Keep a watch on children on field trips at Rithika Gardens – Obscene books were there with other students. * • Usually no HW or minimal HW s assigned during the Unit Tests. • This also might involve revision of the concepts already taught in case of the subjects and languages. • Please note that HW is assigned in Mathematics as it is mandatory but it is kept to the minimum. • Children are motivated to write varied things that happen in their day to day life in their Daily Diary besides just mentioning the routine. • Life Skills Executives will counsel the children and attend to the complaint made. • Thank you for your feedback we shall hereafter be more vigilant when children are taken on field trips. 38. • There is no lab in the APPLE section. • No experiments have been demonstrated so far in Physical Sciences. • Children should be allowed to participate in the live experiments. * • The equipment pertaining to the demonstrating experiments is very much available in the campus. • Teachers themselves take the same when required (as per the syllabus). • In case the experiment is simple, children are definitely involved while demonstrating the same. 39. Parents had requested for the key for Rithika Memorial Examination to be provided to the children. * • The Rithika Memorial Paper is discussed in the classroom with regard to the subjects like Mathematics and Physical/Biological Sciences as they are objective nature and is based on multiple choice questions. • But the Language paper cannot be discussed as everything given is subjective involving creative writing as well. 40. Parents had complained that one entire month is wasted after the Half -Yearly exams for dance practice. * • Parents are requested not blame us this way. The Half Yearly Examinations conclude by 24th /26th December. • Regular academics are taken up during the following week and children are sent for dance practice only during the scheduled time. • Please don’t look at the number of days beginning from 24th /26th until the school reopens after the Pongal vacation, it would be really unfair to do so. This will undoubtedly seem like a large period wherein children are considered doing nothing at school, however, as mentioned above academics are taken up. Some other common suggestions by many parents were to take extra care in subject like Mathematics, Physical Science etc.., parents to be assured that we have looked into them and the teachers have once again been instructed to take care. We sincerely thank all the parents for giving their valuable feedback/ suggestions. We do look forward to hear it from you all in the future too. Most importantly, please do not hesitate to identify our grey areas thinking that your child will be affected otherwise. Rest assured, no employee/ teacher/executive will ever bear a grudge on your child. Rather, we will be grateful to you to have identified a mistake at our end. PRINCIPAL
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 09:34:37 +0000

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