Dear President Obama, I need your help. I would really like to - TopicsExpress


Dear President Obama, I need your help. I would really like to be able to explain to my children why the US refrains from denouncing the wholesale slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. We spoke up about Assad in Syria when he gassed so many of his people...albeit a year after he had been killing them en masse. But now...we say very strange things like, no one should be subject to missile attacks in support of Israels actions... when Israel has dropped tons on ordinance on densely populated areas... has killed two hundred percent more (plus) Palestinians and when not one Palestinian rocket has killed a single Israeli. Mr. Obama, I voted for you twice, in large part because you spoke about getting out of the wars your predecessors had put us into, the trillion dollar plus debacles that killed so many on both sides and profited only the military industrialists. I am absolutely ashamed of my governments policies regarding the genocidal attacks on Gaza and I can not explain to my children, why the US does not demand an end to the onslaught. I learned, Mr. President, that off the coast of Gaza, there are huge natural gas reserves... and that Israel needs energy and wants to control these fields. I know that US corporations are in these fields and that BG, British Gas, has interest in them as well... huge amounts of money are to be made and the energy resource Gaza huge. Should I just tell my children that the US supports Israel as it continues to kill civilians in Gaza because.... energy is more important than human beings? Shall I tell them we support Israel in whatever they do because the US needs a foothold, bases, in the middle of this energy rich area.... and so the deaths of women and children are the price we are willing to pay along with the subjugation of an entire country? What do you advise sir? My children see the photos of dead Palestinian children... more and more... and they wonder why our country, which they are told in school supports freedom, is MUTE , when the freedom of an entire country is being spat upon by Israel and by our own government... They are told about rights... the rights we have encoded in our Bill of Rights...and I can not explain, sir, why the US feels the rights of Palestinians are not as important as the the rights we hold sacred in our own constitution. Gaza looks like Warsaws Jewish ghetto under Nazi attack Mr. President. The world sees this and despite the blindfold we call the US free press, we too can see, if we look, if we do a bit of research the reality of this attack..the least in photos. Now its the Israeli government, not the Nazis, perpetrating the crime against humanity.... the names change but the dynamics of genocide remain the same. President Obama... what are your words? How do you justify your silence as Palestine burns? Sincerely, Brian Carlson and anyone else who may have similar questions......
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 02:27:14 +0000

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