Dear President Obama, our Commander-in-Chief: I respectfully - TopicsExpress


Dear President Obama, our Commander-in-Chief: I respectfully ask you where you were last Thursday during the funeral of U.S. Major General Harold Harry Greene--killed by insider assault in Afghanistan Aug. 5? He was the highest-ranking military officer killed since the Vietnam War. Maybe you just didnt know, because you hadnt heard it on the news yet. If you were earnestly engaged in working to effectively help stop the genocide and torture of Iraqi Christians and Yazidis, Id sure understand your absence. Im sure the generals wife and family and those serving under him would also understand. Theyd want you to help the living escape the ongoing terror. Of course they would. And theyd have welcomed you sending Vice President Biden as your representative to offer them comfort, support and gratitude for their great loss and sacrifice. But the vice president also did not attend. You must have really needed him that day to help you work out all those strategies to save innocent Iraqi lives and manage the carnage here at home in Ferguson, Miss. Im sure you all were just too busy with all these life and death grave situations in our world to even make a quick press briefing statement to Americans about the generals service or to order flags to fly at half-mast in his honor. (You must have had a much lighter workload the day entertainer Whitney Houston died, because you ordered flags lowered on her behalf, and she wasnt even serving our country at the time of her passing.) Im so very sorry you have had so much unpleasantness to deal with of late that you or the vice president were not able to be at Arlington National Cemetery for General Greenes funeral--to pay him the respect and honor he so bravely earned. Im sure it grieved your heart. Back to my question. So exactly where were you, Mr. President, when salutes were offered and Taps was played? Oh, wait a minute, Mr. President, dont worry your handsome little head about responding to my question. You have much, much more, oh ever so much more urgent things of which to attend. In writing this to you...I just heard on the news, like you do, confirmed by all media sources--you were playing golf at Vineyard Golf Club, 100 Clubhouse Lane, Edgartown, Mass. during the hour of the generals funeral. Sincerely, Just One of Your Lowly American Citizens Who Gave You Respect (even though of a different political view) and Even Read Your Book About Your Dad to Better Know My President
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 12:56:07 +0000

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