Dear Prophets, Peace be upon you, one and all. God, in His - TopicsExpress


Dear Prophets, Peace be upon you, one and all. God, in His Infinite Wisdom and Eternal Grace, kindly sent you to your erring communities. He most mercifully equipped you with sound knowledge and profound wisdom. You were greatly aided by His unswerving support and powerful Presence. Your compatriots, even some members of your families, rejected and denied the Messages you were entrusted with. They sought to belittle your endeavours, and attempted to destroy your efforts in making known the truth. Once the Signs of your Lord became more and more apparent, and ever increasing numbers of people came to believe in your Mission, those in positions of influence, gathered together their forces, in order to intensify the persecution, oppression, torture and slaughter of the believers. Many of you were threatened, intimidated, abused, mocked, and exiled. Tragically, some amongst you were even murdered. Yet, despite the great hardships and level of suffering endured by all of you, O Noble Messengers of God, you neither abandoned your Divinely-appointed role as bearers of glad tidings and warners, nor did any of you leave your communities without striving to your utmost to bring them out of the darkness of ignorance, into the light of truth. By the Grace of God, I am one of the fortunate inheritors of your blessed legacies. Though my heart longed to be present during your times, it was the Will of the Almighty, that He place me in different eras to yours. I write this letter to convey to you that which I have witnessed, and to inform you of the current state of humankind. It fills me with sorrow and grief to relate to you the dreadful condition of humankind. Though God, through His great good Compassion, sent you all to invite people to the ways of equity, justice, truth, and peace, very few accepted that invitation. Most either denied its Source, many rejected its relevance, and more turned away, rather than towards, the Holy Scriptures, your ever-inspiring life-examples, and thus blinded themselves with the transitory attachments of this world. Your sacrifices, suffering, striving, and struggles - for a cause so great it weighed heavily upon the earth and heavens - meant nothing to the falsifiers and wrongdoers. The consequences of all this for humankind have been catastrophic. Inequity and injustice are systems of control - the powerful employ them to ensure the vulnerable, weak, and poor, are never in positions to threaten their authority. In truth, the very systems you were sent to change, are the same. Though aeons have elapsed since your blessed feet walked the lands, the earth continues to cry tears of despair, so burdened is it with the blood of the innocents it has been forced to absorb. Wars of oppression have greatly increased, whilst the profiteers you challenged, advised and warned, heeded not your calls to just distribution of wealth. Poverty weeps oceans, creating rivers and lakes of suffering, of misery, of pain. The Laws you intended to implement, were long ago buried beneath sand-dunes of time. Those Divine Statutes were meant to help humankind achieve peace and prosperity, through equitable works and words. Alas! I bear witness before our Bountiful Creator, that the hurt you all experienced, is that which many are also enduring. Nothing has changed, Mighty Prophets of God! Everything is very much the same. This sameness is the most painful truth of all. Were it not for death, the pain of the multitudes would cry out for all eternity. We love and honour you, we humbly seek to follow your ways - the way of the God who blessed us by sending all of you. I wish this missive contained truths other than those I have uttered - but God is Witness that no truth is greater than The Truth. God knew believers would continue to suffer, that pain would be their constant companion. You lived and died with the Mercy of your Lord forever embracing you. May we be granted an existence as blessed as yours. I hope that God will respond to my humble request, and permit me an encounter with you, one and all! Noble Messengers, Prophets, Lawyers, Leaders, Warriors, Governors, Advisers, Warners, Knowers, Philosophers, Wise Men of God! You encompassed within your beings and lives the Words God spoke - He humbled humankind when He sent you, and inspired generation after generation with your names and examples. God knew humankind was incapable of spiritual growth, but HE also knew that sending you would transform the lives of the few. Thus, I end this letter with hope, trust in our Beloved Creator, and profound gratitude to Him, not only for Him, but for you too. God bless you all. A Believing Soul
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 18:31:20 +0000

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