Dear Shakti Dance Teachers*, Sat Nam, it is always great to - TopicsExpress


Dear Shakti Dance Teachers*, Sat Nam, it is always great to connect again. As you know, the third ever Shakti Dance Level 2 Teacher Training Retreat will take place from 16-22 August 2014. It is wonderful to see that many of you have already enrolled for this retreat in Gallese. There is a strong sense of Shakti Energy gathering from all over the world to meet, share, transform, elevate and celebrate together – such that our and tanks are refilled and ignited with Spirit before returning to the Autumn months. This is a rare opportunity for the International Shakti Dance Sangat to unite and hold a magically charged space to go deeper together in the Teachings of Shakti Dance. With this year’s theme we have the opportunity to create a deep and resonant group field, to immerse and avail ourselves of Life’s Unknown and Spontaneous Flow. Not only does this usher us into a greater state of ease and intuitive response in daily life, but it also supports us, teaching with greater authenticity, openness and clarity. I would like to invite those of you who have not yet made a decision to come, to feel the call and join us – remembering that the discount price is only until 16th July. In the meantime, I would like to share a few words from Margot Ridler, who will be facilitating the constellation work at the retreat: “Hello, it is my great pleasure to have been invited by Sara Avtar to join her in this upcoming Shakti Dance retreat as co-facilitator. I wanted to say hello and let you know how happy I am to offer my approach and method of Constellation Work, which has a different take on how it is commonly understood and practiced. It is my intention to assist you (if you are open) to free up your unconscious, inherited and programmed ways of living life that might keep you from experiencing the full potential of what could be possible for you. When we let go of these (very often age-old and completely unknown) structures, beliefs, ideas and concepts of how life is to be lived, we suddenly gain access to an effortless flow and lightness of being that was always there - we just had not been able to tap into it. It is this, this deliciousness of life available to us at every moment that I would like to help you gain access to - more in your daily life. You’ll then become an inspiration, guide and resource for others in a way that will be truly life-changing because you will assist others to get in touch with the very source of their own being. Is there anything better than that….? Hopefully, I see you August 16 – 22!” Finally, I would like to leave you with a video that I put together, after taking a divinatory reading - with this Level 2 Retreat in mind - from the Sikh Scriptures of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. The ‘hukam’ (direction of flow) that was indicated was a poem by Guru Nanak Dev. I felt it fit so well to the Retreat-theme, that I was inspired to put the poem to music and to illustrate it in a video. I hope it will also be of inspiration to you. Please find attached. Looking forward to seeing you all again in August. Blessings and much love Sara Avtar
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:21:15 +0000

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