Dear South Africa The ANC will win the election. It really is - TopicsExpress


Dear South Africa The ANC will win the election. It really is about a numbers game now. The DA have no hope in hell of winning this election and that my dear friends is an indictment on their leader (by the way - she must resign tomorrow), their policies, their rhetoric, their members, their supporters and every person associated with the party. Re-read my earlier post - The ANC shouldnt win the election, but they will. The simple reasons. The DA needs a serious re-think after this election. The ANC needs a serious re-think after this election. The ANC wont get a two-thirds majority, but if those numbers dwindle to the low 60s or near 58% then they as the ruling party know theyre in trouble. Voter apathy will also send a strong signal out to the ANC. Spoilt ballots signify that the DA hasnt done enough to WOW the so called black electorate. Too afraid to upset the fulcrum of their support. Contrary to popular belief (especially in this wonderful province) its not only stupid blacks who vote for the ANC, but also clever blacks. Clever blacks who have one, two, three degrees. Clever blacks who now run their own businesses thanks to democracy and you know what - they will NEVER forget it. Clever coloureds, clever whites and clever Indians also vote for the ANC. My point: a percentage of the anti-ANC mob seem to think theyre superior, more intelligent and that black ANC supporters are dumb. This little province seems to think of itself as special. Its where a percentage of white people rely on the very coloureds (no inverted commas for sake of emphasis) they treat like shit to get the DA across the finish line. Rely on coloureds to form a coalition. It bloody annoys me. The very coloureds they pay starvation wages, the coloureds they scream at, the coloureds they force to work long hours without extra pay, the coloureds they dont want at certain schools in this province, the coloureds they demean because they dont speak proper english. Im really getting tired of the DA mantra of how well they run this province. Its not well run. Its a bloody mess.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 17:03:58 +0000

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